
Major Elliot Bulloch

Paragon is a former soldier and member of MATTER. He was once a highly respected member of the special forces unit, known for his superhuman strength and the use of a shield to protect himself and his team. However, a tragic event during a mission left him for dead and a burning desire for justice. Now, he operates outside the confines of traditional law enforcement, seeking to bring down powerful criminal organizations and corrupt officials.   Paragon has arrived in the city of San Diablo, drawn by rumors of a powerful criminal syndicate operating in the shadows. He believes that bringing down this organization will be a step towards redemption for his past actions. He has been gathering information and resources, planning his assault on their operations.   Paragon has a stoic and intense demeanor, always on high alert for any signs of danger. He carries himself with a sense of purpose and determination, his eyes constantly scanning the environment for potential threats. Additionally, scars cover his body, reminders of the battles he has fought and the pain he has endured.   In combat, he uses his super strength as if he were a juggarnaut. His shield protects him from most damage, and can serve as a means to further do damage. If the right people are wronged, the doing the wrong is right.   Underneath his tough exterior, Paragon harbors a deep sense of guilt and self-doubt. He blames himself for the tragedy that occurred during his last mission and believes that he doesn't deserve redemption. This secret motivates him to push himself to the limit, constantly seeking ways to make amends for his past actions. He is a born leader, and has a trio of teammates: Shadowbane, Whisper and Elias.   Shadowbane is a fellow former member of MATTER, and an assassin. Not much else is known about him.   Whisper is a hacker, and former informant on the Malone family. She is kept hidden for her own protection.   Elias is a former team member, and Paragon feels remorse and responsibility for their being disabled.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Paragon is a beast in stature. His super strength is a gift from the Gods, he claims, and therefore he keeps his body as the temple it should be for them.

Facial Features

Massive scarring on his face and mouth.  This causes him to drool sometimes due to not being able to keep his mouth fully shut.

Identifying Characteristics

Massive scars on his face, burn marks on his chest.

Special abilities

Super strength.  Pain seems to be an adrenaline rush for him.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually found in combat fatigues, but with a brown coat atop them.

Specialized Equipment

"The Shield of Justice", a steel shield that is handforged.   Also wears a steel mouth guard that covers the scarring on his mouth and jaw.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Emotionally unstable.  He was born to be a leader.  He was raised to be a leader.   His choices resulted in multiple deaths. It is a wonder he survived.  But since he was assumed, and therefore left for dead, he focuses on the downtrodden. Not quite a Robin Hood, when he commits crimes, yes it is to people who he feels have earned that right, but rarely does it come in the form of actual justice.    He seeks revenge on those who wronged him.  And in his mind, everyone has wronged him.


Top marks at the Academy, joined MATTER as a teen, and finished his degree there.

Mental Trauma

Paragon led a team of young heroes known as the Young Saints.  With him in charge, they went to rescue hostages in a high school.  They were given poor intel, and the end result was a school that was boobytrapped with explosives. The Young Saints were killed in the explosion. Elias and he were the only ones to make it out alive, but he was scarred for life both physically and mentally.


Paragon will not endanger children. He's done that once before, and never will do it again.

Personality Characteristics


Revenge.  Payback for all those who wronged him, and the people of the city.  In his mind, he's an anti-hero.  He isn't doing it for the glory.  He's doing it because it's right.   Even when it's wrong.
Dark green
short buzz cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, heavy scar on his face and mouth.


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