The Hourglass of Shadows

Central to the beliefs of the Disciples of Dusk is the Hourglass of Shadows, a relic said to contain the essence of time itself. The hourglass is adorned with cryptic symbols and crafted from obsidian and glass, representing the duality of light and dark. Members believe that by turning the hourglass during their rituals, they can tap into cosmic energies that alter reality and bend time, experiencing glimpses of the past and future. This relic serves as a focal point for their meditative practices and is said to grant insight into one’s true self—a self that can only be revealed through confronting one’s own darkness.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Hourglass of Shadows is said to contain a swirling substance within its glass chamber, dark and enigmatic, resembling shadowy sands that do not settle. Various reports suggest that when the hourglass is inverted, the 'sands' flow upward, defying the laws of nature.   The intricacies of its inner workings are shrouded in mystery; some scholars believe it may utilize a combination of alchemical processes and ancient runes inscribed within the glass, which activate upon manipulation.   As the sand flows, it is said to resonate with the thoughts and intentions of the user, potentially allowing experiences of déjà vu or prophetic dreams. However, those who have sought to unlock its full potential have reported disorientation and unsettling visions, indicating that the hourglass is less a tool and more a mirror reflecting the user's psyche and fears.   In essence, the Hourglass of Shadows stands as a gatekeeper between the realms of time and consciousness, possessing a power that is as alluring as it is perilous.


The Hourglass of Shadows traces its origins back to the late 1990s when it was allegedly discovered in an abandoned temple in Eastern Europe. The relic is rooted in the practices of the Disciples of Dusk, a clandestine cult dedicated to the worship of Misery – an entity representing despair and the transient nature of existence.   In the late 1990s, the rise of interest in the occult and dark spirituality led to the reconstruction of the cult, which had been dormant for centuries. Aspects of the relic began to emerge in underground circles, often accompanied by tales of its ability to manipulate time and grant insights into the past and the future. By the early 2000s, it became a object of obsession for collectors and occultists alike, making its way through clandestine auctions and private collectors.


The Hourglass of Shadows is not merely a timekeeping device; it is a symbol of the fine line between existence and oblivion. For the Disciples of Dusk, the relic is believed to encapsulate the essence of time, allowing its possessor to see the shadows of the past and glimpses of potential futures. It serves both as a tool for meditation and introspection, encouraging followers to confront their own darkness and the inevitability of fate.   The hourglass also holds a dual significance: as a relic of power and a reminder of the ephemeral nature of life, intertwining themes of despair and enlightenment. Its allure has attracted many, though cautionary tales warn of the dangers that come with meddling in time and seeking knowledge that isn't meant to be known.
One of a kind
15lbs approx
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