Thomas Daniels aka The Ace

Thomas Aaron Daniels (a.k.a. "Ace")

Vital Statistics

    Name: Thomas Daniels Nickname: Ace Reasons for name: Hero Callsign given by MATTER Age: 29 Sex Male Nationality: American Disabilities (if any) None Glasses/contact lenses wearer? No.  

Physical Appearance

  Height: 6'0" Build: Well built Weight: 180lbs Complexion: Clear Color of hair: Brown Quality of hair: Thick Usual hairstyle: Cut short, professional Color of eyes: Dark Green Facial features: Cleancut Distinguishing features: Skull tattoos from a previous assignment. Handsome features, but otherwise nondescript. Scars/birthmarks (if any) Back is scarred from barbwire issue as a youth. Arms also show scarring from fighting. General health: Excellent health Style of dress: Depending on assignment, but tends to be more fashionable. Grooming: Well groomed  

Early Childhood

  Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan Father’s parenting style/occupation/attitude: Officer James Daniels, Deceased Mother’s parenting style/occupation/attitude: Kelly Daniels-Avery, Stay at home mom If no parents, why? Siblings (if any): None Relationships with family members: Due to nature of MATTER, is unable to see his family. Family feuds (if any): None Financial situation: Grew up in a middle income family. Happiest memory: Going to the movies with his cousins Childhood traumas: None Childhood event that still affects him/her: Being selected to join MATTER, plucked out of his class.  

Biographical Details

  Education: Private school trained through MATTER, has a degree in criminology through MATTER Occupation history: Raised by MATTER after the age of 10, and an employee since that time. Successes/achievements: Trained Sparrow and Falcon, Field leader of MATTER. Failures: Broke away from an undercover assignment to rescue his partner in her first undercover mission. Obstacles in life (a disability or family commitments): Professionalism that seems to contradict with his own emotions. Special skills (if any): Special training through MATTER, and excels with the use of claws in combat strategies.  

Personal Life

  Past key relationships: Had a one week affair with Allyson Stanhope, which did not end well. Marriages/divorces None Sexual orientation: Straight Why did relationships end? Relationship ended due to it being purely physical. Any recurrent themes Past convictions (if any): None Hobbies: Working out Favorite food/drink: Chicken wings, if he's drinking, it's whiskey. Usual haunts: The Indy, a local dive bar in Independence Philosophy in life (carefree, cautious?): Work-life balance Religion (if any): Raised Christian, until MATTER training began.  

Present Situation

  Marital status: Single, but devoted and dating Catarina Davies Quality of marriage/partnership: Strong Issues in marriage/partnership (infidelities?): Cat Davies is the daughter of a high profile Family Boss. Occupation: Undercover operative, and field leader for MATTER Is s/he happy in occupation? If not, why? Has been with this organization since he was 10 years old, this is all he knows. New information has made him question the leadership, but not the ideas of the group. Relationship with work colleagues: Sees Sparrow as his younger sister. Previously saw Roger Stevens as a father figure, but new information has caused his thoughts to change. Issues at work (if any): Seen as both a strong leader, and a bit of a legend for his work.  

Secret Life

  Phobias: Concerns with magic, as he has no defense against psionics What is the worst thing that could happen to him/her? Failure What is the best thing that could happen to him/her? Continuing to be a strong leader for MATTER, as well as continuing his relationship with Cat Davies. Addictive behavior: None Personal detail most ashamed of: Leaving his family behind, especially after learning some of the leadership issues within MATTER. What s/he mostly wants from life Balance and control Personal strengths Strong leader, limitless potential Personal weaknesses: Blind follower of the keys within MATTER
Chaotic Good. Been known to get his hands dirty to get the job done.
Brown, smokey
Stylish brown hair swept back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin


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