Wyndham Industries Building / Landmark in San Diablo | World Anvil

Wyndham Industries

Wyndham Industries was founded in 1980, as a means to assist the developing city of San Diablo in regards to the booming technology.   The first major breakthrough for the company was the expansion of their hybrid car, which is able to split its power between solar power and hydroelectronics. This has helped the country ween itself from the dependency of overseas oil, and reduced carbon issues within the city.   Wyndham Industries prides itself on its cybernetics field, research and development and Artificial Intelligence. Founder David Wyndham has overseen everything over the last twenty years, and has been quoated as saying, "When my body breaks down, my brain will still function. Slap it in a cyber suit, and let's get back to work."   Before other companies came to San Diablo, Wyndham Industries was the main source of income for many of the first citizens of San Diablo. As the city has grown, so too have the competitors. Despite this, Wyndham Industries has maintained its spot at the top of the list for companies to work for within the competitive world of cybernetics and advancements.   Wyndham Industries also prides itself with advancements for the future of the world. They have scholarships at both Aquaterra University and The Alice Bell School for Superheroes and Technology. Many top employees for Wyndham have come through both schools with thanks from the scholarships they provide.   As they turn their attention to more research and developement, they have relocated to a towering skyscraper on the Northwest side of the city. Their older warehouses remain in the Southern part of the city, just outside the downtown. Subsequently, some of these warehouses have been taken over as club houses for the Devils, a southside street gang.   Rumors persist that a major merger could be taking place, but at this time they only seem to be whispers. The stock is trading at very high numbers. If a merger were to take place, it could mean billions.


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