Aradania Settlement in Sancti Terras | World Anvil
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Officiated year 1535 by Magnum Raknus. Aradania is the resounding image when one thinks of a castle in the sky. Surrounding by stone walls that circle the districts of the kingom, Aradania is a proper composed settlement. Mainly inhabited by Humans, Dragonborns, Tieflings, Halflings, and Goliaths. Aradania prospers with little help from the other kingdoms and has become the commerce hub of the region. At the beginning of it's creation, Aradania coined the group called the Adventures Guild, their title for an Army centralized on the Kingdom. Admission must be bought and secrets held to be classified as a guild member. Aradania has outsourced it's more labor intensive jobs by snatching various races from around the surrounding area below Aradania, these races mainly are composed of Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, and Hobgoblins.


  • Aradania
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