Estoc Mark 4 Character in Sancti Terras | World Anvil
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Estoc Mark 4

Estoc Mark 4

Physical Description

Facial Features

Left eye is damaged, fractured during his last mission

Physical quirks

Just a lil glitchy. Occasionally sparks or twitches

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity


Failures & Embarrassments

Lost his entire squad to an ambush

Personality Characteristics


Primary Directive: CRITICAL ERROR. data corrupted.   His not-so-imaginary friend encourages him to adapt his abilities and seek out sources of psionic power. He would also like to get his left eye repaired.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes fire and is mistrustful of healing magics. Odd fascination with the concept of hunger, physical or otherwise. Finds animals interesting and often draws detailed sketches of them.

Virtues & Personality perks

Has a fairly easygoing, quiet personality. Is always punctual.

Vices & Personality flaws

Can be unreasonably happy and optimistic or passive aggressive.   Believes himself to be smart but is inflexible in his thinking.   Has a personality fragment of some unnatural influence. Relatively benign, but it flares up briefly when he casts spells. It references the name Hadar often.

Personality Quirks

His original directives and programming are only partially intact after spending 50 years in mud and magic. Is overly happy and optimistic, except while casting spells. He uses an odd mix of mechanical formalities and more casual speech.


Utterly refuses to acknowledge the overgrowth spreading across and into his left side. Likely corrupted, but it doesn't appear to be harming him. He resists any attempt to remove it.

Warforged strategic commander disabled during a skirmish. He was damaged by being exposed to the Curse for fifty years while dormant in the ground. He was eventually awakened by a mysterious force guiding him toward a source of psionic energy.

Current Location
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True Neutral, with lawful tendencies
Date of Birth
*memory bank corrupted*
mismatched blue and purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
--Hello, friend! I'm Estoc, mark 4, iteration 8, unit number 56E. What’s your identification? --Well, at least you’ll always know I can’t be corrupted by the curse! Old reliable me. *twitches while sparks fly from a few joints*   During Spellcasting: --Hadar hungers… Let him give you a hug! --The void has eyes… and tentacles.

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