Maculosus Mortis Species in Sancti Terras | World Anvil
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Maculosus Mortis

Name: Maculosus Mortis   Location: Duargen   Food: Carnivore   Weakness: Eyes. They rely on smell and ears with their tiny eyes seeing small frames at a time.   Description: Maculous Mortis or “Spotted Death” is known by most locals of Duargen to be found in the deep dense thick of the jungles, are the jungles perfect hunter. They commonly are find solo, the rare occasion to find two, it means they are a mated pair and mating season has began. With its flower/insect like mouth being able to spread wide and create an illusion of a flower, it can mostly catch easy prey that way. Its extra limbs coming off its sides with three razor claws on each talon like toe, it can grab larger prey then turn around and climb up the tree it was most likely originally stalking its prey from. The extra long tail acts like a balancing piece, but has been known to be used as a whip like attack if all else fails this master hunter. No known act of this creature being tamed, it is ruthless and thoughtless when it feels the need to hunt. Warning: accounts of these beasts holding long term grudges have been known. STAY AWAY.

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