Nimrothel Settlement in Sancti Terras | World Anvil
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Officiated in 1536, Roth now Nimrothel. Marble brought what used to be a village which consisted of perhaps a a few crudely made houses to what it is now. After the war with Malum, Marble had envisioned a kingdom that gave priority to knowledge while all other tasks were menial. When Nimrothel was brought up to the sky scholars, spell weavers and all those focused in studies seemed to flock to the kingdom renown for its vast libraries. With open architecture, Nimrothel seemed to be a kingdom built on the fall of days in need of a wall to keep others out. Each buildings interior lined with row after row of book shelves. Nimrothel has many rules all of which entertain the thought of being safe where you are to let you mind traverse the many books they have to offer. Mainly inhabited by Siren's, Dwarves, Gnomes, and some elves.


Siren's, Dwarves, Gnomes, and some elves.


The college has a majority of say on what occurs within the kingdom. With Marble at the lead the citizens are expected to go through proper schooling and contribute to the kingdom anyway they can. Many laws are in place to protect the citizen and breaking these laws can land an individual in a cell for an extended point of time. The college takes monthly votes to keep up with the ever changing times surrounding them.


Very technological, Nimrothel has a very open architecture.


  • Nimrothel
Founding Date
Large city
Ruling/Owning Rank
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