raining lights festival Tradition / Ritual in Sancti Terras | World Anvil
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raining lights festival


During the founding of Merkas, stress was high and many missed the home they had left to settle in the harsh lands of Terras.  Those in power proclaimed to set a date in which they would be able to relive a bit of what they had left.  Merkas and Liamt corelated to come up with a festival that would remind both of their homes.  While brainstorming the leaders noticed that lights began to rain from the night sky. This would continue for five days and soon would be known as the raining lights festival.


Every year when the comets begin to fall; Merkas, Merjeria, and Liamt through a festival.  Plenty of food is provided and drinks are plenty. Residents of each settlement dress in formal attire and enjoy the festival which is ended by sending small grade pyrotechnics into the sky.  This is usually provided by the surrounding militias.
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