Rayla Of the Grotto Character in Sancti Terras | World Anvil
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Rayla Of the Grotto

Traveling Story Teller Rayla Of the Grotto (a.k.a. Wild Woman)

will come soon

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

With her start being in the grotto, Rayla has always been a tough character, her body conditioned with hours and hours of training to have strong muscular arms and well toned body, little to no fat on her.

Body Features

surrounding the skin of her left arm from the top of her elbow up her shoulder and even onto the blade of her back tells the tale of her family, symbols of each person who means most to her. Her chest size is mid range sitting at a B-C cup.

Facial Features

Her face is freckled with deep dark dots across the bridge of her cheeks and nose, usually not highlighted because of the Sunkissed skin that is commonly burning the top of her face. She has one scar that ticks through her right bow that has mostly faded as well as a nick along her jaw line. The tips of her ears are pointed enough to make it easily noted that she isn't human, but not elf. Her eyes are like looking into the hills of Scottland, lush green- green grass that could go one for miles and miles, enough so to make someone get lost in them.

Identifying Characteristics

Its not hard to spot the crazy 'wild woman' when she strolls into town, if its not the fiery red hair or pointed ears or the furs the cloak most parts of her form, it will be slight musky odor of the forests she spends most of her time in.

Apparel & Accessories

Rayla is an adamant hunter, being raised in the grottos, the struggle to survive was this; hunt or be hunted. there for, to mask herself and make it well known to the other creatures of her accomplishments, Rayla adorns her body with the furs of her most difficult kills. on her shoulder and on her hood, the heads of two wolf brothers cover her for the most part, it was a difficult battle that Rayla tells the tale of often to folks in town. around her waste, a coyote pelt lives around her waist, this kill wasn't known for its strength, but its cunning and the fight was of wits that Rayla just passed by trapping the coyote. the clothes under the fur is rather simple; a leather skirt that stops mid thigh and a bralett the stops an inch or two from under her breasts.

Specialized Equipment

The WildWoman's specializes in mostly survival and tracking, seeing things others don't is essential for living out in the grotto.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rayla was born to a pair of Fox shifters, Andre and Roslin, who carved their lives out in the Grotto nestled into a dug out burrow. She was one of three kits her parents had, her eldest brother named Allister (Defender of mankind) and her twin brother Aoidh(Spirited). The family lived closely with Andre's brother, Rupert and his son Philip. The early days were tough, Andre had just lost his wife in a mysterious accident just after their kit was born similar timing to Rayla and Aoidh made their entrance into the world. By the time the kits were five, they were mostly used to the life in the Grotto and had free range of the small surrounding area of their burrow, but, one faithful day, life changed and would never be the same again.   The day was like any other, the young kit trio all played in the shallow valley of their yard just off from their burrow, but something had caught the kit's eyes and they went to investigate, further than they were supposed to go, finding themselves in horrible trouble. Everything is hazy to Rayla, all she remembers is her mother running away clinging to tiny Ray in her arms and how dark the sky was, shrilling screams being heard in the background. Roslin carried her last kit as far as she could before finding a cottage in the woods, tired and desperate to go back to her mate, Roslin left Rayla at the stoop of the cottage leaving her with a kiss on her cheek, and a touch on the forehead with her own and a promise she'd come back. The child cried and cried for her mother, but the will to obey her mother's command to stay too great for her feet to move anywhere else. It took a few hours before the childs shriveled cries turned to a quiet whimper as she curled up into the corner of the stoop, an elderly woman finally coming home with a thick basket filled with groceries. When the two saw one another, the woman questioned the child, but Rayla was too distraught to relive what she had survived. The old woman raised Rayla up until her young adult years.

Gender Identity





Zilch to none ... unless you call the forest her classroom and the elements of possible death her teacher.


Self employed Story teller

Mental Trauma

Her family's death is something she holds deeply onto, faulting herself and her still alive cousin for the deaths of their family by bringing the evil back to their burrow after they had explored too far. (Her cousin blames her soley while Rayla blames them both)

Personality Characteristics


Survival above all else.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes: Steam powered/'electrical' stuff. Being treated like she is stupid   Likes: nature, hunting, traveling, sharing stories


Contacts & Relations

Father : Andre (Deceased)  Mother : Roslin (Deceased) Siblings : Allister (Deceased) Avoidh (Deceased) Uncle : Rupert (Deceased) Cousin : Philip   Adopted Mother : ???

Family Ties

Cousin Philip

A traveler of the Grotto, Rayla has survived on her own for many years, and she likes it that way. Making her living by traveling from town to town sharing her wild hair adventures for a small fee.

View Character Profile
True Neutral
age is but a number.. appears 23 ish
Date of Birth
is unknown
The Grotto
rolling lush hill top green
fiery red hair with streaks of orange and strands of gold mixed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common Sylvan, thieve's cant

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