The Darkness of Sancti Terras Plot in Sancti Terras | World Anvil
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The Darkness of Sancti Terras



Since the mighty defeat of Malum, The inhabitants of Sancti Terras have since lived as normal lives as they could. Cremating their dead before given the chance to reanimate and cause destruction where they rose.  Life has become a constant and trade is at it's all time highest.  Kingdoms communicate with one another while those that once travelled together to defeat the great evil drift away.


Rumors of a shadow monster begin to emerge throughout the regions bringing calamity wherever it goes.  Some spell tale of Malum's return while others believe a greater evil is at the works. One constant for the citizens of Terras is that more of their loved ones are reanimating quicker than they can fend off. Will a great evil rise again or is someone else at works in the midst of chaos.

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