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Sancti Terras


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The land had been plummeted into darkness, villages divided by deadly terrain and far deadlier creatures. A great war was foretold to occur when the year struck 1530, A story of the undead rising and returning the land to the wilderness. The villages began to grow some quicker than others. 6 heroes by the name of Marble, Revy, Phyrra, Maya, Bastion, and Magnum rose from their perspective regions. All with the same goal in mind, to free those the came from against the hardships that the world presented them. When the year struck, the name Malum surfaced, a lich that was titled the Dread King Malum. The heroes rose to the challenge and freed the land of the darkness but at the cost of a mighty curse. One in which those who passed from this plane would be stuck in their bodies to rise and attack those closest before turning on others until none were left. At first this brought a slight problem, yet those who did not have access of giving those a proper burial added to the number of the Dread King's army. The heroes requested the most powerful spell weavers, instructing them to rise their domains into the air, a way to keep the population together and a way to keep all under watch of proper burials. 50 years has past and remnants of the past are beginning to find their way into the view of the people.