
In opposition to Sanctuary stands the mysterious metropolis of Nepenthys. Also known as the Crystal City, it was grown from glittering stones such as amethyst and quartz, and gleams with lights of faerie fire.   Nepenthys is known for being the religious center of the Underdark, and run through an elaborate theocracy, and has existed for thousands of years. Originally inhabited by the drow, it has since become a melting pot of races, although surface races tend to be less common. They view the gods as a serious matter, and their religious views tend towards the more severe interpretations of their gods.   The High Priestess, Xandaria Tu'an, rules the city, and has caused tension between the Crystal City and Sanctuary since the latter's formation. Her daughter, Qira, has recently set out a delegation to Sanctuary in the search for an alliance.
Geopolitical, City-state