Sacred Beast: The Crying Canary
Aka Serinus Steel Song. In the past Serinus rarely appeared in his beast form and took on the appearance of a young man. He would often pass as a normal person seeking only to entertain townsfolk, learn their stories, and turn those stories into songs. During his first life posing as a mortal Serinus became known as Vitus Bardes. Vitus was a legend among The Standing Scar Tribe, he began the tradition of creating songs based on heroes or legends as a way of keeping their memories alive. Vitus gained many followers and later apprentices who became known as Bards. Over two thousand years later the old ways of Bard magic have evolved into its own identity. Serinus remained hidden, in his own way. It always began and ended the same. Serinus would create an identity, that persona would eventually become loved and adored by fans, then Serinus would vanish and start anew. During his time posing as pirate king Jack Buckley, Serinus was interviewed by a captive Fenwick Wisetale. Thanks to Fenwick's biography on the Canary some of the mysteries behind the Sacred Beast has been brought to light.
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