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Thousands of years ago, our ancestors traveled the stars in great metal ships. They fought, they traded, they lived their lives sure in the knowledge that nothing could ever threaten them or their great federation.   Then the Collapse occurred. Different stories are handed down amongst the peoples of Sanctuary, some tell of great fires burning through the lands of a hundred worlds, others of strange demons tearing holes in the sky itself but all of them agree on one thing; Sanctuary is all that was left.   All over the world, ships ferrying our ancestors screamed down from the heavens hoping to reach safety, their landing points are marked by the 8 great cities of Terraportum. For a time, these disparate groups of refugees co-operated with one another, helping each of the cities to establish themselves and fending off attacks by the primitive Q'Scrae. But as the threat of the Collapse following them seemed to dwindle with the centuries, conflicts began to erupt as the Cities fought over who would rule this new world.   Great heroes rose and fell in the time between then and now; fighting amongst themselves and the Q'Scrae, and discovering new lands and peoples across the far side of the world. We may never again be able to build great ships that sail the stars, but there are secrets and stories enough to tell here, on our world, our Sanctuary.

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