Goblinoids of Sanctum Ethnicity in Sanctum | World Anvil
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Goblinoids of Sanctum

Goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears have had a long tradition of being the stewards of the Waystations, hubs of trade between the Gorge Lords, the Peak Kings and of course the Shade Barons. This has allowed them to absorb and disperse goods and culture throughout the Northern Kingdoms. They were the first to demand a Prime Design from the Orcs and thus lead to the dissemination of the Rev-Cycle into the world.   The Salhensi Clans were first established when the First Motor Knights united scattered tribes under their own banner. Each of these clans have multitudes of new and old tribal gods, leading to the phrase "If you can find a coin, you can find a god". Now, other Motor Knights seek to tear members away from their traditional clans to form their own.
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