The Forest of Amarth Organization in Sanctum | World Anvil
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The Forest of Amarth

The Westernmost reaches of the temperate zone of Vaundaland, the Forest of Amarth plays host to open portals to the Feywild allowing all beasts of fairy nature to pierce through and enter the prime material plane. Inside the deep woods are ancient stone castles, overgrown with vines and leaves that those who venture in claim are haunted by ghostly warriors.


Emperor, down to Major Arcana, Down to Minor Arcana

Public Agenda

Complete the Hunt


Interplanar Travel, travel via grappling hook, tribes of warriors always competing with one another to take Minor Titles.


Old as time itself
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Deadwood, Howling Leaves
Foresters, Tribesmen
Related Ethnicities

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