The Maelstrom Geographic Location in Sanctum | World Anvil
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The Maelstrom

The Maelstrom is a nearly impassible wall of storm with flashing lightning of all colors that hides portals to the planes outside Sanctum. From these portals, monstrous invaders make haste towards Vaundland, past the Towering Iles, fought back by the Mainland Pact but they can only stem the tide so much. Whether the Maelstrom has intentions against the people of Sanctum or if it is just a natural phenomena is widely debated but that doesn't stop cults to it from rising to open portals on the mainland in its name.


Salt Water Sea, Constant raging miles wide storm

Fauna & Flora

Demons! and the most daring of Tritons and Saughain that monitor the borders

Natural Resources

Alternative Name(s)
The Storm Sea, the Vortex

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