The Swallower of Nazteth

The Swallower of Nazteth began early on (date here <3) with no real warning. Sunrise had brought in a breeze that promised a cool spring afternoon. By midmorning the winds had increased and a sand wall was on the horizon. The townsfolk, primarily of the Nezzonite community, were only just turning to safety when the first bolt of pure white lightning stuck the home of Ethel and Abner Holmes sparking a fire. Sparks flew to nearby houses as lightninng scorched the sky starting several more.
  The religious Nezzonites prayed for protection and fled to safety moments before the sand wall began to swallow light from the sky. The sand encircled the city while lightning continued to pelt the land for two days.
  The lightning subsided and for a few hours on the third day many Nezzonites throught the worst was over though sand still surrounded them and nearly blocked out the sun. That night the sand began to fall and continued for the next several days. Some say the storm lasted for a week, others say two. During that time tons of sand began to fall from the sky like rain.
  Most Nezzonites believed their gods would save them and remained in the city. As the sand kept falling most Nezzonites flocked to the temple until it was overflowing and they were rebuked by the bishops.As the storm raged thosse in the temple were buried as equallay as those who stayed home. An entombed community with diminishing food and water.
  Thousands, however, chose to attempt escape and left the city. Most were killed during their escape, either becoming lost or being buried alive. In the end less than four thousand Nezzonites survived the storm.   Nazteth itself lies buried under a thousand feet of sand, that brought the valley level with the mountains that had once protected it.


This storm was a unique occurance.

Cover image: by Darth Nikolas via


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