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Bracklesburg agracultural wing

The Bracklesburg agricultural wing (or AG wing) is gorgeous five acre stretch of greenhouses, gardens, and water features with several small animal enclosures. The outside fields house seasonal crops both the major varieties in commercial farming and some heirloom crops more popular with backyard vegetable gardens. The area while known as the agricultural wing is actually just part of the area used by the agricultural classes and in fact gets much use for the general biology, history, and alchemy classes. The area is also utilized as a recreational ground. Many students enjoy the plant life outdoors in the warmer months and are able to enjoy greenery year round due to the many indoor planting beds both for pleasure and learning.   Another draw of the agricultural wing is how many areas in it do not have the open and straight corridors associated with the rest of the school buildings. If a student would like to get away from the hustle and bustle of the major common areas, they can wander into one of the conservatories and disappear for however long they wish. It is unlikely that another student would be able to track someone else down in the AG wing unless they also frequent it. Even the wide open spaces stretch for long enough with little enough border between it and the gently manicured forest that even if someone managed to recognize you from a distance it would be simple enough to slip away unless they utilized some form of magical tracking or movement.  
"Wulfric." Syl stopped, her words coming out terser then she'd wanted or expected.

He took a shaky breath in and said somewhat sarcastically. "Seward, what brings you into the middle of nowhere greenhouse today?"

"Well, It got a bit stuffy so decided to find somewhere with less hot air clogging up the place. Mind if I sit and watch the bees with you?"

Wulfric didn't respond right away staring of somewhere Syl couldn't see. "Yeah. They seem to really like those tiny orange ones."

They sat in silence long after the awkwardness drifted away and onward into the afternoon.


The AG wing was always an important part of the school since its inception. Alphonse Bracklesburg who founded the school was adamant in the importance of a firm grasp in the natural world for young learners development as adults. He believed that a relationship with plants and animals created more understanding people and better listeners, a clear result of his love and wonder for the natural world. This made the beginning of the school include a firm basis for what became the current dramatic cut of land covered in meticulously curated vegetation.

Notable Changes

The original fields have been pushed farther out for more garden space and glassed buildings But the original greenhouses and attached conservatory are still present with some alterations and updates. There were two original green houses one of which used to house native and naturalized plant life the other housing exotic and invasive plants. Now the Invasive plants have been moved to a more thoroughly regulated greenhouse, mostly to press the plant's ability to harm the environment innocuously. Native plants have been moved outside to the gardens lining pathways and common greens or if they are native to Coasnia but not the school's local environment remain in the original greenhouse.   The second greenhouse was cleaned and converted into a kitchen herb garden housing various fast growing aromatic edible plants. The attached conservatory arguably has had the least amount of updates keeping the original tile and color scheme essentially only receiving upgrades to the conservatories thermal efficiency.  

The Teahouse

The next oldest building in the AG wing, the only remaining building with much historical interest is Teahouse Magdalena. Named after Alphonse's late sister it was built in honor of her love of any and all teas. The tea house is surrounded by its own seasonal garden of herbs and is available to sit and eat at when there are no ongoing events. Teahouse Magdalena is equipped with a pantry that is designed to be dry, dark, and cool to preserve the tea and a dedicated area to make the tea. After some intense deliberations on whether or not it'd be besmirching the memory of the dead the Teahouse received coffee and espresso equipment. The consensus reached was that while the coffee Magdalena was familiar with was similar to turpentine due to mishandling and local brewing methods designed by sleep deprived mariners was not in her tastes. Modern flavored drinks and more gently brewed roasts would be suitable to her liking, in custom with her desire to discuss tea that she didn't personally enjoy stronger more pain thinner inspired brews are also permitted.
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Evie Magpie(myself)


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