BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Call of the star eater

A rendition of a tale that is both a myth of creation and a warning of destruction. Tales with similar themes exist all across the globe. This particular one is a translation of a myth dug up on the eastern continent and is one of the oldest examples of writing in existence.  


It is said that long ago a beast was vanquished by some greater spirits who's names are lost to time. What remains is the echos of their warnings. They broke the beast into many parts and around each they built a shell and on that shell the planted the anathema to the beast.   Life as much and in as wide as a variety as possible. But with time come degradation and such was the beast's realm. So was the need for renewal and as such their was Death. The Cycle of Life and Death would devour rot and slow its sprint to a creeping of many eons.   However, as time passes it still takes it's toll and due as is natural. So while the beast cares not for it and seeks to take and take without returning. Life and Death and even Time are left to struggle balancing scales that someone insists on tugging on with all their might. Such are the toils of goodness.   It is said that as Time cannot and will not stop its turning that eventually the beast must wake. And when it wakes, though it is but a fraction all the rot that Life and Death have denied it. It shall seek to take by force. So, my love heed the tale that was left to our keeping. One that has stood the test of Time's grindstone or perhaps been spared from it.   Laugh when you are happy, cry when you are sad, learn and love, live and die. The only thing you can do to draw it nearer is to try and halt the gears where they turn.

Cover image: by Evie Magpie(myself)


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Aug 21, 2024 03:26

What a morbid way to look at the end of the world, living on borrowed time until a horrifying power consumes it all without warning or mercy.

May you forever find your way on the journey you set out on and make yourself greater.
The Sagas world cover