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Clearwater Harness

The clearwater harness is a specially enchanted piece of protective clothing used and developed by the Mer. It's main function is to regulate water quality for the wearer to prevent poisoning from hazardous environments. The harness is made of marine leather and enameled silver backed with anti chafing sea silk.  


  When Mer began to study hydrothermal vents and their supported ecosystems it became neccessary for better ways of preventing toxic shock. Before Clearwater harnesses were developed it was common for several magicians to constantly filter the water manually but this is extremely difficult to maintain and if the group is attacked the magicians are vulnerable due to the concentration such delicate casting requires. So it was decided that an enchantment should be developed to automate the process freeing up magicians to preform other duties. Over two years of development the first clearwater harness was tested in field with good results. The expensive process of enameling silver makes them a limited resource though and as such are made to be worn over other clothing so it will fit on people of different sizes. Without clearwater harnesses we would know far less about hazardous hydrothermal ecosystems such as Centipede's Labyrinth .   The enchantment is placed on harnesses to to the proximity to both the neck and the chest both of which are where gills are located and in emergency where the enchantment is failing will hopefully allow enough time to escape the hazards before complete failure. Later iterations also regulate temperature to some extent protecting the wearer if they somehow swim into scalding water. While the clearwater harness is extremely reliable it is strongly advised that you do not swim into a hydrothermal vent or brine pool because they are not in fact, infallible.
Thanks to Dazzlikat, Satrium, WordiGirl, bardwithmanynames, and JamesWoodright(for the hug) for the help naming this! It was causing me trouble!

Cover image: by Evie Magpie(myself)


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