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Insperation directory for Sand Castles


I have a massively eclectic taste when it comes to music anything from J-rock to orchestral covers to ambient synth with whale noises.  

Anything by Cosmo Shelldrake

  • I listen to them all the time especially some of their wordless songs while writing or other creative work. They even did a lovely soundtrack for a Netflix series on the Galapagos.
  • My favorite album is "Wild Wet World". See their bandcamp here.  

    Tamkish's rain world fan area concept OST's

  • There was a youtuber Daszombies that did some community projects where they all made art for a hypothetical DLC for the game Rain World. One of the participants was a musician called Tamkish who did some brilliant work on several finished OST's.
    I especially love the album "Deadlands Gems". See their bandcamp here
  • WIP

    Cover image: by Evie Magpie(myself)


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