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Lord of Mischiefs

"Ahh huntsman~ You have tripped into a gully whatever shall you do?" The spirit's face scrunches into a grin that looks odd on its vulpine features. "Say, if you cant get out by yourself I'd be happy to help you! For a price..." They said, as if they hadn't startled the huntsman into the gully themselves.
  The Lord of Mischiefs is a common face in many Coasnian tales. He acts in many different roles, anything that causes trouble is his delight so he is friend and foe in equal mesure.  


  While this particular Lord is known to shape shift they have forms that appear with a great frequency. The shape that they reveal their identity as is described as the body of a deer, spots and feet like a snow leopard, color of a red squirrel, antlers of a moose, tail of a unicorn, and head of a fox, with a beard. Their other favorites seem to be human shape mimicking whatever would seem vulnerable to a passerby, Often a elderly person with a limp. The Lord of Mischiefs also favors animal shapes like elk, foxes, and wildcats.   One of the less common but notable appearances The Lord has supposedly taken is that of an attractive young man. He took this form several times in myth calling himself a name that made a pun each time. In this shape he tricked several powerful people including other spirits. Interestingly it is said that they attempted to woo a shepherd woman in this shape before being driven off by her village.  

Relationship with humanity

  In the older tales Lord of Mischiefs was known for being friendly despite their trouble making. As long as those they pranked played the "game" well with good temper, they were rewarded with good luck. Examples include:
  • The Lord scattering a milkmaids herd from their pen every night. When she discovers the culprit's idenity she pranks them back. Dropping a sack of sawdust and burrs on their head. For her gumption he causes all her her grass to grow in better health and she does well due to this.
  • They scare a huntsman into a gully and to get out again they task him with telling them something no mortal had before. So the huntsman told them that their mother should have made them scrub the baseboards more. The Lord laughed so hard they fell into the gully themselves and for the huntsman's gall every time his family was hungry his hunt was successful and he did well due to this.
  • However this changes in later legends. It is said after they were driven off from the shepherdess's village they grew suspicious of her and drove her off one winter after their storehouse's roof caved in. After being cruelly exiled in the cold she died alone as the Lord of mischief, who had once been the Lord of Mirth, had kept his word and left wholly. From this day forth any other name for the Lord of Mischief left mortal memory and they haven't given a human a boon since.   Nowadays if you encounter the Lord of Mischief you must be far warier. They hold a grudge against humans and while their assistance can be sometimes gained against a great evil it is common for them to make trouble for heroes on their quests. If you somehow end up on a task in the spirit world it is advised that you prepare to face them as they are almost certain to come and meddle.

    Cover image: by Evie Magpie(myself)


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    Aug 6, 2024 12:22 by Adrian Waite

    Everyone loves a trickster. I like the way it caught up to them and now have to be wary. Well played.

    It's Gravy Time!!