BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


"And there he was, pale and gaunt staring at me with eyes like the light filtering through the sea. Green and so old it was old before your grandfather's father was a musing. The necromancer didn't even bleed the reaper just landed a glancing blow with his trident and the coldblooded animals eyes rolled back. Just like that."
  Psychopomps are spirits under the leadership and service of a Greater Aspect of Death. Their primary job is leading souls from the mortal realm through the spirit realm to the lands of the dead. Their other duty that is hunting those that bind the dead to the mortal realm, or necromancers, and executing them.   Practices among psychopomp groups vary depending on the Death they work under and the current most senior psychopomp in rotation. Often psychopomps will work together regardless of whether their boss is the same or even if their boss gets along. To every Greater Aspect of Death, not Murder, or Drowning, or any other kind of dying just Death, the dead getting where they belong is the number one priority over any grudge no matter how bitter.  


  Being recruited as a psychopomp is rare, time doesn't really matter when you are ageless thanks to working for actual Death. Usually those recruited are already dead making it easier for them and their superiors training them. It simplifies their schedule and they have usually adjusted to being dead and the emotional upheaval that comes with it. Even more rarely is a living person recruited. Often it will be someone that was on the brink of death and tried to strike a deal for 'just a little longer' and for some reason, Death accepts.   It is presumed that any recruit was picked because Death saw something in them that caught their eye, indeed across all aspects a strong will and predisposition to justice or otherwise maintaining the status quo is preferred. This does lead to a strong personalities rubbing against each other, this and psychopomps near invincibility leads them to often work alone only meeting to exchange information. while there isnt a sure count there are roughly 1000 psychopomps not all of them being in rotation.  


Rotation refers to when a psychopomp is in active duty or on break. Psychopomps have frequent free time to combat negative psychological effects and despite their stereotype for working in ones or twos they make a note of having a strong social life off duty. It is popular to frequent the spirit realm as the are not mortal themselves many even being minor aspects just as the Deaths are Greater Aspects. Some psychopomps even visit the mortal realm to go to the shops which is a feat of magical ability being able to take solid form and appearing as a normal mortal.

Cover image: by Evie Magpie(myself)


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Aug 4, 2024 05:41 by Marjorie Ariel

Ooh, I like how you turned the prompt on its head by having them guard the dead (and being dead themselves, too!)