Bildrath's Mercantile

The sparse light from this building spills out from behind drawn heavy curtains. A sign over the door, creaking on its hinges, reads “Bildrath’s Mercantile.”   The establishment is 70 feet long by 40 feet wide. The owner, Bildrath Cantemir, sells items from the Adventuring Gear table, but only items with a price lower than 25 gp in the table, and he sells them for ten times the price.   Bildrath trades with the Vistani when they pass through. He is also happy to make a profit from any strangers unlucky enough to find themselves here. He serves his own interests and offers no sanctuary. He never bargains since, as he says, “If you want it badly enough, you’ll pay for it.” He has no competition in the village.   If the characters give Bildrath a hard time, he calls Parriwimple, his nephew and stock-boy, to help him out. Parriwimple’s real name is Parpol Cantemir, but no one in the village calls him that. His muscles rippling beneath his leather tunic should give ample notice of his strength. At the same time, Parriwimple is simple-minded. He is devoted to his uncle and will not follow the characters as long as Bildrath has something to say about it.

Bildrath Cantemir

Shop, Generic
Related Report (Secondary Locations)

Parriwimple Cantemir