Chapter 3 - Brothers in Arms

"At my advisors’ behest, I called for my remaining family, long unseated from their ancient thrones, and brought them here to settle in the castle I built for them. From this plea came a younger brother of mine, Sergei, nearly grown. I had never known him."

    With the von Zarovich line bequeathed to him, Strahd sent word to bring his family to their new seat of power. The man that responded to the summons was none other than Sergei von Zarovich.  

  The party has the opportunity to partake in a welcome party of sorts. Strahd celebrates his brother's homecoming as only a warrior may know how: with an exhibition tournament. The companions appear as assorted Barovian nobles.   It seems that all of Barovia has gathered to greet the incoming von Zarovich family. When the chapter begins, the party finds themselves standing in the Audience Hall of Castle Ravenloft.  
You stand on either side of a high-back, wooden throne atop a marble dais. Strahd is beside you, donning a scarlet red tunic with glimmering gold clasps and a black cape flowing over his shoulders. A hall extends thirty feet ahead.   Various guards and well-adorned nobility form an aisle, and the crowd is abuzz with hushed voices, and the attending crowd is illuminated by a towering, stained-glass window in the far corner depicting a cerulean and gold sunrise.
  While it is clear that the audience is gathered for some remarkable event, it has also clearly not yet begun. Asking around the room you all learn the following:
  • The people gathered here are assorted Barovian noble families.
  • They have come to greet Lord Strahd's family.
  • Lady Ilona Darovnya is a Dawnlord, 3rd highest rank in the Church of the Morninglord
  • She traveled alongside Strahd throughout his several-year-long campaign to claim Barovia and serves as a spiritual advisor, tactician, and occasionally, healer.
  • Ilona has a calm demeanor, a keen mind, and a sharp wit. The only thing sharper is her tongue. She is not afraid of Strahd; she knows the Morninglord guides her.
  • Leo Dilisnya imparts the following history...The so-called War of Silver Knives starts between the noble Barovian families of Dilisnya, Katsky, and Petrovna, after the assassination of Izabela Dilisnya ostentatiously over a Silver Mine. For two years chaos reigns in the von Zarovich courts as revenge murders and assassinations intensify.
  • King Barov von Zarovich finally exerts his influence over the feuding families and orders the so-called War of Silver Knives to cease and appeases the families with gifts of new lands. The families comply, but their war has weakened the country considerably. Lord Dilisnya (Leo's father) was not entirely satisfied by this appeasement believing that his mother’s death deserved more than what Barov offered, but held his tongue and quietly nurtured his grudge.
  Inspecting the stained glass you identify the abstract sun painted on the window as the symbol of the Morninglord. Quite similar to the iconography of Lathander in Faerun.    

The murmurs of the hall are quieted by the groan of heavy wooden doors parting. A procession of marching footsteps and the fanfare of trumpets precede a beautiful man with wavy black hair, kind eyes, and a warming smile strutting into the chamber. He approaches boldly, draped in the familiar robes of the Morninglord. A gilded, radiant sword rests at his hip. The hilt of the weapon is so finely crafted that you would not be faulted for believing it was made of pure light. He drops to a knee before the throne.
  Sergei does not have much regard for formality or processes. He is young and excitable and has long been an only child. Even now, in his late twenties, he is driven by a vibrant enthusiasm and warm spirit that Strahd lacks.   With Sergei's approach, Rahadin stands next to Strahd and announces the arrival:  
'Welcome Sergei von Zarovich, second son of King Barov and Queen Ravenovia, Awakened son of the Morninglord, to our Castle Ravenloft. The keep’s splendors and comforts are yours.’   Sergei rises to his feet. Strahd rises in turn and steps down the marble stairs, standing half a foot taller than his younger brother.   He reaches to shake his guest’s hand, but as their forearms meet, Sergei pulls his brother in for a hug. Strahd steps back and pronounces, loud enough for the room to hear: ‘It is good to have you, brother. Come, let us celebrate.
  The companions, observing this interaction, recognize that Strahd is made visibly uncomfortable by the hug. The room erupts into applause, and the stained glass window shines like the rising sun. Vercinissistrix plays around a bit with Sergei's sword and powerful rays of light overtake the scene.    

The Chapel Garden

You feel a gentle breeze brush your cheek. The earthy smell of fresh grass brings spring and summer warmth. The sun embraces you, but the serenity is broken by raucous cheering.   Three sets of tiered benches have been constructed around a ring of dirt, and two guests currently stand at its center in studded armor with weapons drawn. Forty feet ahead of you are two wrought iron gates that lead to an overlook. Even from this distance, you can see the snowcaps of far off mountain ranges to the east.
  Two young participants exit the ring, and Rahadin notes the victor. He is currently presiding over the event and invites any other contestants to step forward.   Rumex is able to purloin two 100GP gems from Leo Dilisnya's pouch (a tourmaline and a pearl), while Vincenzo schmoozes a bit with Lady Ilona.   After a rousing battle with incredible savage blows being exchanged between Strahd and Verce, Strahd ultimately victorious...Sergei rises from his seat to challenge Strahd, and the roar from the crowd.  
Sergei’s sword flies down, nearly chopping Strahd in two, but the Lord raises his sword in time to leave an inch’s gap between steel and skull. Sergei dips back, narrowly avoiding his brother’s parrying dagger. He props himself up, tossing his own parrying dagger into a reverse grip and tilting his short sword, not like a noble in a duel but a teenager in a street fight. Strahd scans Sergei’s sloppy stance, and in a flurry of black cloth, he leads with a feint before swiping low with his red, black, and gold dagger.   The younger von Zarovich is caught off guard but manages to catch his brother’s arm, batting the dagger away just as the point scratches his armor. Sergei hastily brings his blade around in a broad sweep and spins frantically toward his target. Strahd parries the obvious attack with ease, but the Dervish twirls mask the dagger that nearly finds the elder’s throat. Strahd weaves into Sergei’s whirling blades like a dancer twirling with their partner, pulling his neck back enough to avoid the fine steel edge, and forcing his brother to overstep. He stands swiftly upright, his blade held straight, the point pressed gently to the base of Sergei’s skull. They lower their weapons and bow.   The crowd erupts. The brothers look out over the people. Sergei waves enthusiastically, an enormous smile is plastered on his exuberant face, and hardly a drop of sweat breaks on his forehead. Strahd, drenched in sweat, blots his face with a black kerchief, and waves out of obligation. His penetrating eyes snap briefly in his brother’s direction, cutting more harshly than his longsword ever could.

"He was handsome and youthful. I hated him for both."

Tome of Strahd

Wondrous item, legendary

(requires attunement by a spellcaster)   While attuned to the Tome you gain the following benefits:
  • You have advantage on any skill checks made to recall information about Barovian history or lore.
  • You gain a +1 to your AC and to any saving throws when defending against Strahd von Zarovich’s magic.
  • While attuned to the Tome you may spend 4 hours attempting to decipher new sections of the Tome in order to gain further insight into the life of Strahd and the land of Barovia.
  Deciphering a chapter requires an Intelligence (Investigation) or Intelligence (Arcana) check and at least 4 hours of dedicated research time. Another creature may assist you in the attempt and grant advantage on the check if they help. Attempting to decipher the book or offering your help in deciphering it reduces your passive perception by 5 for the duration of the 4 hours.   The Tome also appears to contain esoteric, magical knowledge akin to spells inscribed within a wizard's spellbook. As the secrets and magic contained within are revealed to you, you may cast any spells recorded in the Tome as a ritual. If a spell found in the Tome does not have the ritual tag, it is nonetheless a ritual spell for you when cast from the Tome. Once a spell is cast in this way, it cannot be cast from the Tome again until the following dusk. If the spell is of a higher level than you are able to cast, you must succeed on a DC10 + the spell's level Intelligence(Arcana) check. If you fail, the spell's use for the day is still expended.

Spells Learned

Prologue - Illusory Script (1st Level Illusion)
Chapter One - Unseen Servant (1st Level Conjuration)
Chapter Two - Gentle Repose (2nd Level Necromancy)
Chapter Three - Skywrite (2nd Level Transmutation)

Sergei Von Zarovich

Strahd Von Zarovich

Dawnlord Ilona Darovnya


Dawnmaster Gabriel Andral


General Aleksandra Gwilym


Leo Dilisnya
