Durst Manor Deed

Know those present and future that I, Aleksandr Dragomir of Barovia, have sold, enfeoffed, and by this, our present charter, confirmed to Euphemia Durst of Barovia the residence located on Svalich Road, in the Village of Barovia. To have and to hold the aforesaid residence and all its appurtenances to the aforesaid Euphemia Durst, her heirs and assigns. In testimony of which matter, to this our present charter we have affixed our marks.   Aleksandr Dragomir Euphemia Durst   With these witnesses: Jocaste Geistlinger, Dimitry Milosovici, and Burgomeisterin Arkasha Indrovich.   Dated at Church of the Morninglord on 17th the Time of Flowers 389.