Helm of Whispers

Ah, the Helm of Whispers! A fascinating piece, indeed. Crafted with ancient magics, it grants the wearer access to knowledge from some otherworldly source. While wearing it, you'll hear faint whispers. If you focus on them, they might reveal secrets or advice, quite handy for those tricky situations. It's a bit like having a wise old sage whispering in your ear—quite the advantage, wouldn't you say?   Now, a bit of caution—there's a bit of a catch with this artifact. The being tied to the helm isn't known for its kindness. If you listen to the whispers too often, it might try to... exert its will over you. Nothing too alarming, just a little test of resolve—a Charisma test, if you will. If you falter, the helm's spirit might take control for a bit. But, only if it chooses to, and it's mostly dormant unless something dire happens.   The helm has quite the history, once belonging to a great conqueror who seemed almost unnaturally insightful. Alas, he met a tragic end, driven mad by the very whispers that once guided him. So, enjoy the helm, but use it wisely!