Ilyson Ott

Born on the eastern shores of the Sea of Fallen Stars, Ilyson Ott was reared in a small community of Herdsman and Farmers. Proving himself to be a very able and respected young member of the burgeoning collective. Shortly after his 15th Birthday a regiment of battle weary, hungry and lost Goblin mounted Worgs massacred most of the thriving settlement. Ilyson Ott, aided by a hedge knight, managed to valiantly defend himself before his family was overrun and murdered. Aljano Lanberny, the knight chasing the goblin horde, lost his second in the battle and took the newly orphaned teen as his new apprentice. For the next five years his benefactor trained Ott in the ways of the hedge knight. Becoming quite the able and formidable fighter, Ilyson set out on his own at the age of 20. For the next two years he's made his way across Faerun taking odd jobs to support himself, mostly hunting bounties.