Lady Fiona's Cautionary Tale

In response to the party's expression of concern about Lady Fiona's perceived allegiance to Strahd, she shares the following story:

“Barovia, Vallaki, and Krezk—this land’s three lights of civilization. Did you know, however, that there was once a fourth?"   “It was a fishing village named Berez, built on the banks of the Luna River, not far south of here. In its prime, it was a bustling and thriving place, full of life, hope, and laughter."   “And then, one day, more than three hundred years ago, the village’s burgomaster defied the will of Strahd von Zarovich."   “The details are lost to time. But the histories make clear that Berez thought itself able to challenge the Devil’s rule. Whether it was pride, desperation, or mere foolishness, I cannot say. But it was, nonetheless, a grave mistake."   “Zarovich did not argue. He did not negotiate. He simply commanded the river Luna to rise, and it obeyed. The waters swallowed Berez whole. No building was left standing, and few lives were spared. The survivors found themselves lost, adrift, and broken. Most found their way north, to Vallaki, where they struggled to forge new lives amongst the ruins of the old."   “What did defiance earn Berez? A marsh and some broken stone. A stark, cold warning to anyone who would follow their path."   “As a child, I once heard a tale of a sword that shone with the fury of the sun—a mighty weapon indeed, and one that would dawn a new age for Barovia in the dreams of a little girl. But a lady cannot waste time on fairy tales or fools’ errands. She must take the world as it is, not the way that she wishes it to be.   “We live under Zarovich’s rule, and survival requires pragmatism. A lord at peace can be reasoned with—even ignored, with sufficient assurances paid. But a vengeful lord cannot be put aside so easily.   “Defiance leads to nothing but destruction. Berez learned this the hard way. It is our duty—our obligation, to both our ancestors and to our children—to take that lesson to heart.”