Rumex Kocho

Character Appearence 

  Rumex is 5'5 120lbs 122 years old. Long Brown hair with black and grey streaks. A well manicured mustache, with grey hazel eyes and copperish colored skin. Clothed in grey, green, brown and black comfortably camouflaging his location in most natural surroundings.   His resting face makes him appear angry, even though He's not… Not much makes him angry these days. He tries to smile often less in happiness and more so others stop asking him if he's ok.  

Character Backstory

At 30 years old my brother Rheum and I were stolen out from under our mother’s nose by a band of hobgoblins, led by a powerful necromancer named Darg Grin. This Hobgoblin troop rounded up a group of wood elves from my village outside of Gillian’s Hill to hand us off to a pack of Maurezhis who eventally traded us down the line to Doresain (King of Ghouls). Watching my fellow elves being fed to the Maurezhi to build their strength for the mission of bringing the rest of us to Doresain was torture. We were taken through Underdark, as much as I can remember and driven like cattle. Doresain was creating and rallying together a great army of ghouls for some purpose, but I don’t know why. Doresain would communicate with other entities via scrying. I believe this is where my to fear mirrors (Catoptrophobia) began... “I don’t recognize the person in the mirror, I don’t trust it… I kinda lost myself somewhere back there. Being enslaved for so long took its toll. I can only describe it a nightmare watching our ranks one by one be turned into ghouls. After Aed Dike the famed Druid from The Grey Druids of Undermoor saved a handful of us, we were connected to a Druidic Circle named Dusk Circle. It took this group of druids quite some time to remove the curse Doresain had put on us… Slowly I was then trained with a ranger band near Highstar Lake outside Woodhill edging on Southwood. It was many years. I kept my head down, and ears open to learn what I could. The Dusk Circle would send down orders to my ranger group. There were many perilous adventures. That is where I spent a good amount of time fighting Undead. Our ranger lodge was dispatched outside of Woodhill. Mainly training in Southwood. Rumex’s mission in life is: to overcome the death of his brother Rheum.   *Just Happened: Wynna Vantree a young Druid in the Dusk Circle fell in love with me… she just told me, so I’m leaving town headed west to Daggerford to look for work. I can’t let her get mixed up with me anymore than she is.

Allies and Organizations

Ranger Lodge in Southwood Aed Dike the famed Druid from "The Grey Druids of Undermoor" "Dusk Circle"  

Additional Notes

  The Misty Forest was where I saw the “Ghost” for the first time. I was with my brother Rheum, We had snuck away from our village to find the alter of Xan Yae. We got lost looking for it, my brother was pulling me by the hand. We were so small. He made me hide as soon as he felt a presence. We waited so quiet, so long... And slowly it moved into focus… I saw it. I saw the “Ghost”. Saw it with my own two eyes. It was lighting candles to Xan Yae at the alter… I was 12 or 13 years old. Years later while searching the Underdark for illithid, I saw the “Ghost” a second time. I stayed so quiet… I didn’t move. I saw it, the ghost drifted slow. He will answer my prayers. I have faith. One day he will let me disappear completely.