Session 15

General Summary

The gang solves some mysteries and the priest ends his watch.


21st Day of Elient “The Fading”

  Oh, So that’s who that was…
  • Dalvan Olensky, Kolyan Indirovich’s attendant, was the corpse with the real letter warning others away from Barovia and labeling Ireena as adopted.
  Memories, in the Corner of my Mind
  • Ireena answers questions
  • Conversation is in “downtime” section of discord, dated 12/8/22 to 12/9/22, for all the details...
  • No evidence of Ireena’s adoption
  • Drawing of a brute with an odd arm
  • Doll from Blinsky’s
  • Ismark thinks Donavich may know more
  Vince’s Quest for ALL the Papers in Barovia
  • Vince sends his familiar, Helena the skeletal cat, ahead to the church
  • Vince, Verce and Rumex follow up leads at the church
  • Ismark and others shoring up the house in the meantime in anticipation of renewed attacks 
  It Tolls for Thee
  • On approach, the trio hear one ominous tolling of the church bell
  • Break in and find Donavich hanging from church-bell rope, neck snapped.
  • I don't think you trust in my self-righteous suicide, I cry when angels deserve to die
  • Confirmed dates and calendar of Barovia
  •  He said Kolyan Indirovich found Ireena in the woods.
  Truth be Laid Bare
  • A record book of parishoners found
  • Faerun (where you guys were a week ago):1491 DR
  • Barovia (where you guys are now): 735 BC
  • Ireena’s Birth Year: 714 BC (21 yrs ago)
  • Ismark’s Birth Year: 713 BC (22 yrs ago)
  • The script about Ireena seems different than the other entries, hurried somehow, a slightly different ink
  Loose ends…Loose ends, Everywhere!
  • The trio cut down Donavich and lay him on the altar
  • Leave Doru in the undercroft
  • Leave a gaping hole where the church door used to be
  • …and return to Kolyan Manor


  • Kev - Vincenzo Prizzi - CG Tiefling Fiend Warlock - Pact of the Tome(lvl 3)
  • Joe - Verce - CN Dragonborn Paladin - Oath of Vengeance (lvl 3)
  • Ben - Rumex Kocho - LN Wood Elf Ranger - Gloomstalker (lvl 3)

Starting Notes

  • This was a quick side mission requested by a couple of players on a Friday

In Game Outline

  • Start. Kolyanovich Manor, Barovia, 9:00 PM, 21st of Elient
  • End. Kolyanovich Manor, Barovia, 10:45 PM, 21st of Elient

NPCs present

  • Ismark Kolyanovich - Current Burgomaster of Barovia
  • Ireena Kolyanovich - Strahd’s current interest
  • Father Donavich - Pastor of Church of the Morninglord


  • 1 Gadof Blinsky doll
  • A book of parishoners
  • Incense
  • Various books from the Kolyan library


  • 1 priest
  • 1 church door

Church of the Morninglord

Report Date
09 Dec 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Father Donavich
