Session 16

General Summary

Holding Down the Fort - Enter Volenta and Rahadin


21st Day of Elient "The Fading" (Sintyavr in the Barovian Calendar)

    A Father’s Breaking Heart
  • Letter found in Kolyan’s bedroom (see below)
  • Laments his own “hubris”
  • Planned to beg Strahd’s forgiveness
  And So My Watch Begins
  • Vincenzo retires to his own bedroom
  • Riak goes to attic looking nervous, converts attic to his own mini guild
  • Rumex and Ismark on first watch
  • Ozan and Ismark take second watch

22nd Day

  • Wolves break down front door
  • Zombies “Benny Hill” the kitchen
  • Ogre zombie smashes the eastern wall
  • 2nd ogre zombie and a dire wolf charge the broken front door
  Fresh Faces
  • Ozan sees a beautiful woman in a deathly metallic mask controlling the beasts and undead
  • A lone dark elven rider upon a phantom steed approaches behind her
  • She cowers and defers to the elf, disappearing into a misty form
  • Elf approaches, apologizes for violence, delivers a letter and a rose. (below)
  Ismark Identifies
  • Woman was one of Strahd’s ‘brides” named Volenta Popofsky
  • Elf was Strahd’s chamberlain - Rahadin


  • Kev - Vincenzo Prizzi - CG Tiefling Fiend Warlock - Pact of the Tome(lvl 3)
  • Mike - Riak Tao - CN Githyanki Artificer -Battle Smith (lvl 3)
  • Joe - Verce - CN Dragonborn Paladin - Oath of Vengeance (lvl 3)
  • Milton - Ozan, the Lost- CG Shadar-Kai Twilight Cleric of Ilmater (lvl 3)
  • Jay - Ilyson Ott - N Human Fighter - Rune Knight (lvl 3)
  • Ben - Rumex Kocho - LN Wood Elf Ranger - Gloomstalker (lvl 3)

In Game Outline

  • Start. Kolyanovich Manor, Barovia, 10:45 PM, 21st of Elient
  • End. Kolyanovich Manor, Barovia, 3:00 AM, 22nd of Elient

NPCs present

  • Ismark Kolyanovich - Current Burgomaster of Barovia
  • Ireena Kolyanovich - Strahd’s current interest
  • Volenta Popofsky - “Bride” of Strahd
  • Rahadin - Strahd’s chamberlain


You survived waves of:
  • 4 wolves
  • 4 zombies
  • 2 Ogre Zombies
  • 2 Dire Wolves
  • destroyed 4 wolves and 2 zombies of this list before Rahadin restored order

Volenta Popofsky


Kolyan's Plea

Strahd's Letter to Ireena