Session 17

General Summary

The One where Doru Dies. (after a Long Rest)


22nd Day (11:10 AM) of Sintyavr

  This cannot stand
  • Verce makes his case to dispatch Doru
  • His Oath compels him to cleanse this poor abomination from the land
  • Ireena and Ismark are reluctant but agree
  • Other party members are unsure
  I walk alone…and I set traps
  • Verce makes his way to the church
  • No screams from Doru heard coming from the undercroft
  • Donavich still lays upon the altar, no signs of anything changing in the church.
  • 2 Barrels of water set hanging above the trap door with chains
  • Roof broken in a bit more to let some more light into the room
  The best laid plans of Mice and Dragons…
  • Verce descends into the undercroft
  • No sign of Doru, an eerie silence
  • Verce spots a freshly drained rabbit on the floor near the bottom of the stairs
  • Verce protects himself with a sworn epithet against evil as he spots a coffin in the far corner
  • Upon closer inspection it is empty
  • A moment later Doru pounces from the shadows where he hid in waiting, takes two swipes with his claws at Verse, pops up onto the ceiling and makes a beeline for the trapdoor, chittering along japanese-horror movie style
  You Live you Learn
  • Hurling a furious vow towards Doru, holy energy frightens the spawn and stops him in his tracks on the ceiling
  • Verse yanks him off the ceiling and deftly evades all but one claw strike as he throws him into the coffin, attempting to stake the spawn but with no effect
  • Tactics change, Verse yanks the coffin over to the base of the stairs, again avoiding the vampire’s claws, as he now learns that Barovia’s light is either too feeble to affect vampires or that this particular piece of lore is a myth
  • Undaunted, Verce leaps up and smashes the water barrels suspended above the opening, effectively soaking Doru, but doing nothing to hurt him.
  • “Well, fuck…” said Verce.
Bad Moon Rising
  • Ozan arrives just in time to join the fray
  • Doru is no longer frightened and dips around the stairwell wall back into the dimly lit undercroft, hiding amongst the pillars
  • Verce senses Doru’s undead aura and releases a plume of radiant breath barely missing the spawn, but it reveals his location
  • Ozan calls down the power of the moon itself, bathing Doru in a column of fierce burning blue flame
  • Doru exchanges blows and suffers the wrath of Verce’s vengeful smites
  One last Desperate Dash
  • A game of cat and mouse ensues with Doru attempting to evade the adventurers and escape
  • He jumps on the ceiling once again where he attempts to crawl over and past Ozan
  • Verce lands one last mighty blow with his longsword but Doru is clinging to (un)life almost out of the trap door!
  • Ozan unleashes a deadly spectral pain inflicting spell and Doru falls motionless to the bottom of the stairs, finally released of his terrible curse.


  • Joe - Verce - CN Dragonborn Paladin - Oath of Vengeance (lvl 3)
  • Milton - Ozan, the Lost- CG Shadar-Kai Twilight Cleric of Ilmater (lvl 3)

Starting Notes

  • Day of remembrance: Fall equinox. A dark day for Barovians when songs for the dead are sung and offerings are placed on the graves of those who have died in the past year. It is said the ghosts and zombies of those who are not honored this way come back the next year to haunt those who have forgotten about them. (Basically Halloween/Day of the Dead for Barovians.)

In Game Outline

  • Start. Kolyanovich Manor, Barovia, Sintyavr
  • End. Kolyanovich Manor, Barovia, Sintyavr


Climactic Moment

Report Date
22 Dec 2022
Primary Location

Vercinissistrix, wer Jikmadator

Ozan, the Lost