Session 2

General Summary

Of Wolves and Lando

17th Day of Elient "The Fading"

Nobleperson’s Banquet
  • Sought payment, stayed for dinner
  • Another request
  • Vistani are nice!
  • An accord is reached
  Tavern Time
  • Information gathering
  • Colorful characters
  • Some gambling
  • A discounted suite

18th Day

A Turn Towards Trouble
  • Leave with Stanimir, Ratka, Damia
  • Go to rejoin other vardos
  • Mists roll in, smell of death
  • Note on body
  • Wolves…big ones!
  • Fight and Run!
  • Mists swirling behind


  • Jay - Ilyson Ott - N Human Fighter - Bounty Hunter (lvl 1)
  • Ben - Rumex Kocho - LN Wood Elf Ranger - Haunted One (lvl 1)

Starting Notes

These two PC’s have fought together recently vs. the undead under Lady Morwen of Daggerford’s employ.  

Gains & Losses

  • Rumex’ shopping (neither gain nor loss, really, well, maybe a gain…OK, it was def a gain!)
  • 50 gp each for previous adventuring
  • 5 gp Ilyson’s gambling losses to Lando
  • 10 gp each for clearing Vistani from the area

Ilyson Ott


Rumex Kocho

Report Date
09 Jul 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Lady Morwen of Daggerford