Session 20

General Summary

Welcome to Beautiful Tser Falls!


23rd Day of Sintyavr

(9:00 AM)

  Breaking Camp
  • Dreams were had by Vincenzo and Rumex
  • Extra Items were sold for gold

(10:30 AM - 1.5 miles/ 0.5 hours traveled since last rest)

Eyes in the Mist
  • Rumex senses wolf spies
  • The wolves retreat into the mists into deeper forest

(12:00 PM - 6 miles/2 hours traveled)

Another Round, Barkeep!
  • Yesper Noggins is met by the Tser Falls bridge.
  • Drunken man who says random things
  “There is something spooky about that old windmill. If I were you, I would keep walking.”
“I’ve never taken the road to Ravenloft and I hope I never do. Unless . . . well, I heard the lord of Barovia has some nice dinners and lots of wine. Perhaps I may get an invite one day."
"Father Petrovich is a nice chap. Always lets Yesper take a nap if the church is empty. Lately he seems upset about something.”
-Yesper Noggins
  Icy Rewards
  • After Vincenzo surprisingly invites Yesper with a fake invite to Castle Ravenloft, Rumex spots something shiny in the river.
  • After tumbling down into the icy river to investigate, ice mephits attack
  • Verse is blasted with many forms of cold and barely survives

(1:30 PM - 7 miles/2.5 hours traveled)

A Destroyed Caravan
  • Found a destroyed merchant caravan with some trinkets and a little coinage
  • Signs of a lone attacker and humanoid tracks leading back to the road


  • Kev - Vincenzo Prizzi - CG Tiefling Warlock - Pact of the Tome(lvl 4)
  • Joe - Verce - CN Dragonborn Paladin - Oath of Vengeance (lvl 4)
  • Milton - Ozan, the Lost- CG Shadar-Kai Twilight Cleric of Ilmater (lvl 4)
  • Jay - Ilyson Ott - N Human Fighter - Rune Knight (lvl 4)
  • Ben - Rumex Kocho - LN Wood Elf Ranger - Gloomstalker (lvl 4)

Starting Notes

  • Riak has decided to stay behind at Tser Pool with Fritz to continue experimentation of Dream pies and other weird obsessions. He promises to catch up with the party at a later time

In Game Outline

  • Start. Tser Pool Encampment, Ravenloft Moors, 1:00 AM, 23rd of Sintyavr
  • End. Svalich Road, Ravenloft Moors, 1:30 PM, 23rd of Sintyavr

NPCs present

  • Ireena Kolyanovich - Strahd’s current interest
  • Yesper Noggins - Really, really drunk guy


  • 7 Ice Mephits


  • 60 GP each for sold extra baggage
  • Magical Ring, 200 GP from Tser falls chest
  • Some coinage from destroyed caravan:
  • 25 CP, 35 SP, 7 GP
  • Some Blinsky toys
  • 1 drunken idiot


  • Extra Baggage

Yesper Noggins

Report Date
04 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Something Shiny


Magical Ring

Ice Mephit