Session 22

General Summary

A Dusty Tome amidst the Chaos


23rd of Sintyavr

(10:00 PM)

  A Quick Offering of Salvation
  • Verce uses his Psionic connection to ask for a moment to parlay
  • He offers Offalia a moment to explain herself
  • He's met with disdain and a thinly veiled threat
  • Verce utters a prayer of protection and charges ahead
  The Battle Begins on the Second Floor...
  • Vincenzo releases a flaming orb in Offalia's direction unfortunately casting wide
  • She responds by blasting back with arcane darts to his chest but the suffers the wrath oh his fiery Hellish Rebuke
  • Ozan calls down a Moonbeam on top of her, bathing her in a painful radiant glow
  ...and Continues on the First
  • Bella transforms and cuts Ilyson deep with her claws causing his blade to miss despite Ireena's distraction ploy
  • She attempts to dart upstairs to join her sister when Rumex tags her quickly with his short sword, noticing her skin is as tough as iron
  • Ilyson swings around and follows her connecting with 2 arrows, noticing the same armored effect
  The Scramble Ensues
  • Rumex hustles outside and scrambles up to the 2nd floor window
  • Catches Bella as she comes upstairs with two more arrows
  • Verce swings around, but in the limited space can't connect cleanly
  • Offalia targets him with a black beam of enervating energy springing from her finger but strikes his magic armor deflecting the attack
  Arcane Blessings
  • Ozan drops Moonbeam in favor of seeking Lathander's Blessing for his comrades
  • Bella follows with arcane darts of her own, striking Verce squarely midriff
  • He returns the pain telepathically, but Bella bears the brunt of his push, standing firm
  • Ilyson blasts Bella with a runic arrow engulfing her in flames intended to shackle her, but she proves too strong to restrain
  • Verce strikes a mighty blow upon Bella guided by Ozan's prayer, further fueled by his own wrath, striking at the hag's very psyche
Meanwhile....Vincenzo's discovery
  • Hidden from the thick of battle, he slips upstairs to check on Myrtle but notices a ladder leading to a trap door
  • He weakens the wood with a firebolt before shouldering his way in
  • He finds in this domed, creepy attic, skull-shaped bottles which when opened release a gaseous green vapor which dissipated through the holes in the roof
  • More stick figure dolls, these wearing some children's clothes
  • A book, on a ritualistic pedestal, bound in leather and iron bearing Strahd's crest
  • He recognizes a glyph of warding has been dispelled on it previously, a dark aura emanates from the book
  • Hammer speaks to him "Don't be an idiot, you know what these are! Get the fuck out of here, I'll not waste my patronage on such foolishness!"
  • He pockets it, as well as 6 bottles and heads back down to try to save Myrtle, but this is a tough lock to crack open
  Lathander's Distance
  • After a few more exchanged blows Bella touches Ozan's face and shouts a guttural curse in Abyssal as she blinks out of existence
  • Immediately, Ozan feels a divide between himself and his adopted god, as if he is sensing him through a thick miasma, a murky, silt-disturbed ocean
  • Vince shouts his patron's warning to the others as Rumex shouts back his recognition of these creatures from his time in the Underdark as well
Cirque du Soleil
  • A knocking is heard downstairs...Granny's home.
  • "Offalia, Bella, Open the door, You had better not be letting my pies burn! I can smell it! Knock it off and let me in!"
  • Rumex somersaults into a forward backflip off of the 2nd floor boards and makes a beeline to a dead tree and boulder to get a look at the new visitor
  • Verce runs upstairs to smash the lock and grab a terrified Myrtle
  • Vince plans to burn this mother down and get this fated treasure he's found out of harms way, so he vaults out of the window to the west after tossing a candle in the pile of children's clothes...the landing does not go as planned as the wood is too rotten in this section and gives way beneath his weight...he lands prone not 20 feet from Offalia who is now somehow OUTSIDE!
  • Verce has the same idea and holding Myrtle close he braces for impact with his shield as he jumps through the southern window and crashes through the 2nd floor landing to the ground in front of the entrance. He pushes Myrtle away to safety
How Dretch-ful!
  • Ilyson asks Ireena to check if the ichor filled barrel is hot, hoping maybe to find a fuel to also burn this mother down.
  • Ireena does so as 3 rapid knocks are now heard coming from the side of the barrel and some of the ichor takes the shape of a hideous demon and proceeds to take a bite at Ireena, nicking her slightly
  • A flurry of swords, teeth, claws, and crossbows later and a quick hand from Ozan's words of radiance, Ilyson is still doing his best to protect Ireena from these cursed mini demons...of which there are now two. (after hearing a second succession of knocks)
Demon Down
  • Offalia runs over in a fury, paralyzing Vince on the ground where he lay with a word, and rending him deeply with her claws knocking him unconscious
  • Rumex swings around the north side of the Windmill and tries to get the drop on Offalia, trying to take her attention off the helpless warlock, the ruse works
  • Ozan pops out of the 2nd floor window, praying for all he's worth for sanctuary which bathes his comrades in a dim wash of light, reviving Vince long enough to slip away from Offalia and run towards Rumex
  • Bella reappears momentarily next to Morgantha, before bamf'ing out again as Verce descends upon her
  • Offalia notices Ozan at the window and her eyes become an inky void imbued with dread power that stare right into him...shaking his confidence momentarily as he digs down and holds firm, resisting her intention
Things that go bump...
  • Verce notices that the cart Morgantha showed up with is shaking a little bit
  • Yesper Noggins, further to the south, who was leaning on another cart, seemingly oblivious to the chaos is beginning to stagger to his feet and stumble away


  • Kev - Vincenzo Prizzi - CG Tiefling Warlock - Pact of the Tome(lvl 4)
  • Joe - Verce - CN Dragonborn Paladin - Oath of Vengeance (lvl 4)
  • Milton - Ozan, the Lost- CG Shadar-Kai Twilight Cleric of Ilmater (lvl 4)
  • Jay - Ilyson Ott - N Human Fighter - Rune Knight (lvl 4)
  • Ben - Rumex Kocho - LN Wood Elf Ranger - Gloomstalker (lvl 4)

Starting Notes

  • Riak and Fritz still at Tser Pool encampment? Are they on the way?

In Game Outline

  • Start. Svalich Road, Ravenloft Moors, 10:00 PM, 23rd of Sintyavr
  • End. Old Windmill, Ravenloft Moors, 10:10 PM, 23rd of Sintyavr

NPCs present

  • Ireena Kolyanovich - Strahd’s current interest
  • Yesper Noggins - Really, really drunk guy
  • Bella Sunbane - Cheery sister of Morgantha
  • Offalia Wormwiggle - Less cheery sister of Morgantha
  • "Granny" Morgantha - purveyor of Dream Pies
  • Myrtle - captive little girl

Gains & Losses

  • Tome of Strahd
  • 6 skull-shaped flasks

Windmill Schematics

Old Bonegrinder


Report Date
04 Mar 2023
Primary Location

Skull-Shaped Bottle

Bella Sunbane - Hag Form

Offalia Wormswiggle - Hag Form

Granny Morgantha