Session 23

General Summary

Of Frogs and Vomit


23rd of Sintyavr

(10:00 PM)

  Finally Free
  • Ilyson dispatches the Dretch caught between himself and Ireena
  • With a deft move he grabs Ireena and bolts for the door of the windmill
  • The other newly formed Dretch claws at Ireena on the way out, merely striking her armor
  Think of the Children
  • Ireena slams the door shut and grabs Myrtle making a beeline for cover behind the windmill
  • Ilyson provides cover and grows into a fearsome giant
  Coming out of the Woodwork
  • Verce, dashes from Morgantha to investigate the wobbling cart behind her
  • A quick glance revealed a hidden compartment that he ripped open
  • A young boy was inside, a captive of Morgantha
  Vincenzo Finds a Henge
  • Rumex joins the fray, releasing arrows towards the target rich southern side of the windmill
  • This allows Vincenzo a moment to gather himself and focus on his surroundings
  • He notices a mini swarm of ravens circling over a henge-like structure of 4 menhirs surrounding a central rounded boulder
  • He makes his way towards the area remembering the omens told to him of ravens
  • He sends a message to Ireena to relay his intentions to the rest
Vercinissistrix Does What?!
  • Morgantha approaches Verce behind her cart and orders the party to lower their weapons and perhaps a bargain may be struck
  • Offalia casts her void like, inky stare in the direction of Verce and Ilyson before Morgantha could make her intentions known
  • After much deliberation and bargaining (made tougher by the puking) Verce lays his sword at her feet and attempts a negotiation
  • Unfortunately, the rest of the party may not have received the message entirely...
From Dretchs to Retches
  • Ozan jumps down from the second floor, joining the copse of trees behind Rumex's vantage spot
  • Ilyson releases a ballista sized arrow towards Offalia, managing to connect but not shaking her concentration
  • The huge fighter then doubles over, releasing a small river of projectile fluid and scampers behind Rumex' rock, doing his best to find cover for his nearly 12 foot height.
  • Waves of nausea and vomit make life difficult for the pair of warriors....especially the giant one.
  Struck a Nerve, perhaps?
  • Rumex lets fly with the Blood Arrow, dealing a hit to Offalia, while continuing to shout out the arcane term "Focus Fire", the rest of the party begins to believe that this may be the vocal element of some cantrip they are unaware of.
  • Verce has his own bargain, we own this windmill we have the deed....She retorts "...and who will enforce this useless paper?"
  • Verce thinks of Strahd, and remembers Vincenzo's suggestion of making Ireena's presence known to her
  • It works, Morgantha is PISSED at her two sisters, immediately they all disappear and the windmill door slams shut.
  • The nauseous feeling finally passes.
Let's Hop to It
  • Freek, the unfortunate name of the little boy, angrily attacks the cart, trying to break as much stuff on it as he could, Verce calms him.
  • He takes the cart and the boy and joins the rest of the party behind the windmill
  • Ireena informs everyone of Vincenzo's message and everyone walks down the hill to meet him....HOWEVER
  • Before everyone's eyes, the once enormous Ilyson Ott, disturbingly transforms into a frog.
Mysterious Menhirs
  • Four ancient stones near the windmill, seemingly erected centuries ago surround a circular boulder-like altar between them
  • Each moss and vine covered stone bears a crude carving of nature symbols (leaves, feathers, animals) yet central to these runic carvings on each megalith is a stick figure type symbol that has an indentation in the area of its forehead.
  • Small human teeth, most likely belonging to the hags child victims are found in piles in front of the four menhirs. This is verily desecrated ground according to Vercinissistrix.
  • Ravens fly around agitated, the party decides to put some real distance between them and this ghastly scene.


  • Kev - Vincenzo Prizzi - CG Tiefling Warlock - Pact of the Tome(lvl 4)
  • Joe - Verce - CN Dragonborn Paladin - Oath of Vengeance (lvl 4)
  • Milton - Ozan, the Lost- CG Shadar-Kai Twilight Cleric of Ilmater (lvl 4)
  • Jay - Ilyson Ott - N Human Fighter - Rune Knight (lvl 4)
  • Ben - Rumex Kocho - LN Wood Elf Ranger - Gloomstalker (lvl 4)

Starting Notes

  • Riak and Fritz still at Tser Pool encampment? Are they on the way?

In Game Outline

  • Start. Old Bonegrinder, Ravenloft Moors, 10:10 PM, 23rd of Sintyavr
  • End. Svalich Road, Ravenloft Moors, 8:00 AM, 24rd of Sintyavr

NPCs present

  • Ireena Kolyanovich - Strahd’s current interest
  • Bella Sunbane - Cheery sister of Morgantha
  • Offalia Wormwiggle - Less cheery sister of Morgantha
  • "Granny" Morgantha - purveyor of Dream Pies
  • Myrtle - captive little girl
  • Freek - Captive little boy


  • Myrtle
  • Freek
  • Morgantha's Cart


  • Blood Arrow
  • One Skull Shaped Bottle (opened by Vince)

The Megaliths


Report Date
18 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location



Offalia Wormwiggle

Windmill Deed