Session 24

General Summary


23rd of Sintyavr

(10:35 PM)

Leaving danger behind
  • The party leaves the Menhirs and Old Bonegrinder behind
  • With the newly freed kids in tow along with the liberated cart, the party carefully maneuver 2 miles down the road
  • Ilyson reverts back to human form with a mouthful of flies

(11:30 PM)

And so my watch begins...
  • Rumex and Ozan take turns on watch
  • Rumex spots a possible Dretch approach and retreat as well as Vincenzo's restlessness
  Dreams and Portents
  • Vincenzo suffers horrible nightmares culminating in him battling a bestial form of himself and feels weakened upon waking
  • Rumex succumbs to actual sleep and dreams wistfully of his training near Highstar Lake near Woodhill and feels stronger, faster...until he wakes and feels worse than ever, mentally at least.
  • Ilyson dreams of being connected to the land more than ever, as if he feels it calling to him, it's...familiar to him.
  • Ozan ruminates on his weakening connection to Ilmater, his doubts grow, his thoughts turn to the Raven Queen and how he spent his life helping to usher the dead to their lot...and this place is so wrong, the dead are lost, trapped, so much imbalance.
  • Vercinissistrix dreams of flying. Sprouting spectral wings and leaving the ground behind, raining justice down upon the profaners of what is right. An ancient draconic presence is reaching out to him...what he has been searching for is so close.

24th of Sintyavr


(9:00 AM)

Breaking Camp    
  • A long, much needed, rest was had by all, save for Vincenzo.
  • Rumex scouts ahead as Vercinissistrix pulls the kid cart under the protection of the rest of the party
  • Following a switchback in the Svalich Road, the party begins to see the lay of the land of the Vallaki Valley
  • A large lake to the north, bordered by further snowcapped mountains, more snowy peaks to the south, as the valley extends westward towards more hills

(2:00 PM)

  Light Reading During Downtime
  • The party makes their way 10 miles, about halfway to Vallaki from the Old Mill, travelling at a cautious pace
  • A short rest is decided upon as Ireena tends to the kids with Verce's help
  • Vincenzo tries to decipher the book once more, when suddenly the words on the first page swirl into common:
"I, Strahd, Lord of Barovia, well aware certain events of my reign have been desperately misunderstood by those who are better at garbling history than recording it, hereby set down an exact record of those events, that the truth may, at last, be known."
  And Another One  


  • Kev - Vincenzo Prizzi - CG Tiefling Warlock - Pact of the Tome(lvl 5)
  • Milton - Ozan, the Lost- CG Shadar-Kai Twilight Cleric of Ilmater (lvl 5)
  • Jay - Ilyson Ott - N Human Fighter - Rune Knight (lvl 5)
  • Ben - Rumex Kocho - LN Wood Elf Ranger - Gloomstalker (lvl 5)

Starting Notes

  • Riak and Fritz still at Tser Pool encampment? Are they on the way?
  • Vercinissistrix played sparingly by DM

In Game Outline

  • Start. Svalich Road, Ravenloft Moors, 8:00 AM, 24rd of Sintyavr
  • End. Svalich Road, Vallaki Valley (10 mi. from Vallaki), 4:00 PM, 24th of Sintyavr

NPCs present

  • Ireena Kolyanovich - Strahd’s current interest
  • Myrtle - captive little girl
  • Freek - Captive little boy
  • Young Teen Strahd
  • Rahadin
  • Young General Strahd
  • Commander Aleksandra Gwilym
  • Sir Godfrey Gwilym


  • silvered longsword


  • Rumex' unhittable streak



Tome of Strahd

Strahd Von Zarovich (young teen)


Cmdr. Aleksandra Gwilym

Sir Godfrey Gwilym