Session 27

General Summary

Of Books and Demons


25th of Sintyavr


11:00 AM

Yonavich, Time Lord of Books
  • The Party does some lore shopping and purchase a number of enlightening materials.
  • Some have information of the Order of the Silver Dragon and Argynvost
  • Others have history recorded as poetry, reliable narration or not remains to be seen
  • A Monster Hunter's Guide penned by the fabled Van Richten was also found
  • Total cost for seven books: 110 GP

11:30 AM

Skran and Zella, Purveyors of Ammo and Furs
  • Vercinissistrix traded in the wolf pelts for the burgomaster's reward and netted 96 GP.
  • Verce and Ozan have ordered a fur coat to help protect from the cold at 10GPs each, they should return in 4 days time to pick up the custom work
  • Rumex and Ilyson have also purchased arrows from the couple at 10 GP for 40 arrows each
  • Zella suggests Anya, of Avicenna's Auguries, may be able to help them craft something to help out Vincenzo

12:00 PM

Hunger Pangs
  • Rumex begins to get a hankering for some Dream Pie.
  • Unlike yesterday the urge is too great, the desire to escape his thoughts too strong to fight,
  • He sneaks off and devours an entire pie while the rest of the party is unaware
  Konik's Horses and Wagons...and calculators
  • After a lengthy discussion over the wisdom of procuring a cart or wagon and various types of horses, both riding and draft it is decided that Ozan will purchase a fully kitted out riding horse, woodcarver's kit, and carpenter's tools for 93 GP total.
  • Vincenzo is too exhausted to continue with this trip, even though there is a haberdashery right next door to the Cart and Wheel, and bids adieu to the party to try and catch some shuteye back at the church.
  Anya's Possible Potions
  • Anya, a good friend of Zella's, and a fledgling druid of sorts believes that she could indeed help out with Vince's condition
  • She offers to make a potion that would help stave off negative effects of exhaustion but cannot guarantee it's efficacy, for 50 GP she begins to concoct this elixir, and bids you return tomorrow.
  • She identifies the Skull Shaped Bottles as being "Hag's Bargain", holding the essence of what people have given the hags in return for favors.
  Waylan Hammers out a Deal
  • A deal is struck to silver some arrows
  • 2 Days, 85 GP & 20 SP for 10 Silver Arrows

1:00 PM

  The Orphanage, Part II
  • Feeling newly emboldened the party decides to get to the bottom of the matter at the orphanage
  • It is thought that whatever is corrupting the joy at the orphanage must be connected somehow to Felix
  • Perhaps once they locate Felix, we can sus out what is wrong with Milivoj
  Empty Bedrooms and Runic Clues
  • Checking out the dormitories and nurseries on the second floor reveals that most of the beds have a small infernal carving on a bedpost that translates to "Dark Dreams"
  • In the nursery, they speak with a small girl named Tessa
  • Tessa has visible bruising on her arms. Tessa was Cedrik’s closest friend before he died. While Cedrik picked on the other children in the house, he had a crush on Tessa and spoke with her often. Shortly before his death, Cedrik stole a locket from his bunkmate, Felix, whom she thinks is very weird.
  • Felix's Dormitory has only one used bed out of five that are present...three of the boys had run away, and one is dead, leaving Felix as the lone inhabitant, and the only bed that doesn't show the infernal rune.
  • Felix, however, is nowhere to be found
  Dark Secrets
  • The party returns to the second floor hallway, where they spot an attic door in the ceiling outside this room.
  • Rumex, leaving no stone unturned, takes a peek...
  • At the far end of the room, by the attic’s only window, is a small boy sitting in a lone chair silhouetted by the incoming light.
  • Felix is busy carving a little wooden doll with a large kitchen knife.
  • Verce creeps up near him and asks him carefully about Cedrik, to which Felix responds "I don’t see why everyone was so upset when Cedrik died. I saw his body. He only bled a little bit. My parents bled a lot more than that and I’m fine.”
  Oh shit...
  • The light coming from the attic's far window seems to dim of its own accord, suppressed by an unnatural, invisible force.
  • A dark, putrid smoke begins to exude from Felix’s skin, wafting from his body as an impenetrable shadow.
  • As the boy's body slumps forward, the shadow begins to take form, arms stretching out from the central mass in solid, black claws.
  • A demonic face grins, baring rows of razor sharp teeth.
  • And that's where we're going to stop for tonight!

Wrapped up at 1:30 PM


Felix's Demon

Monster Hunter's Guide


Say Your Prayers...