Session 28

General Summary

Slaying Shadows, Saving Smiles: A Tale of Demon Eradication and Orphanage Salvation


25th of Sintyavr

1:30 PM

A Mouthy Opponent
  • A dark, putrid smoke began to exude from Felix’s skin, wafting from his body as an impenetrable shadow. As the boy’s body slumped forward, the shadow took form, arms stretching out from the central mass in solid, black claws. A demonic face grinned at them, baring rows of razor sharp teeth.
  • Mortal ants,” the demon declared in a monstrous voice. “I have seen the shadows of the Great Powers moving through the Dark Seas around this sphere. Your paltry weapons and magics are nothing.
  The Tides Turn
  • Arrogant and confident in its powers, the demon laughed at all attempts at intimidation.
  • It weathered mighty blows from the paladin suffused with radiant vengeance and still spit out infernal insults
  • "Your precious faith?! Oh, how it amuses me! Pray all you want, for your gods have long abandoned this forsaken land. There is no salvation, no escape from the clutches of your impending doom."
  • The wood-elven ranger, Rumex, hiding from within the depths of darkness dealt this aberration whistling strikes with his bow and a sense of non-cohesion begins to appear within this evil's form.
  • The Cleric of Ilmater called down holy radiant energy in the form of moonbeams bursting through the ceiling and engulfing the unholy thing in painful, searing blue flame, it shrieks back into the cleric's mind, intending to inflict some sort of empathic feedback, but can find no purchase against the cleric's resolve.
The Tides Turn Once More
  • Vercinissistrix feels a warm buzzing coming from the locket upon him and seconds later five spectral shapes burst forth from it and join the battle swarming towards the adventurers, one of them managing to poke through the holy aura of the paladin and striking him a debilitating blow that sapped his strength.
  • Reacting quickly, the paladin reached within his draconic mind and pushed back with the psionic force of his will and obliterated the shadow which struck him.
  • The rune knight tapped the power of giants and laid into the closest demon, striking with the power of something twice his size, scattering the shape in front of him but not enough to dispel it's shape completely.
  • Things were tense, and it was unsure if the party could win this war of attrition at the moment.
The Tides....Turn Back and Just Go Out to Fucking Sea.
  • The tiefling, who was following this fracas through the eyes of his skeletal cat familiar was double timing it back to the orphanage, fighting against his exhaustion.
  • When he witnessed the Shadows enter the fray he decided to try something he has never done before...he used the eyes of Helena, his familiar, to scout a location that he could misty step into and get closer to his friends to help with the battle.
  • Throwing caution to the wind he blinks from the front of the orphanage to the trapdoor beneath the attic and through pure adrenaline he makes his way up the 10 ft ladder and slings an agonizing eldritch blast through the giants legs, vaporizing the shadow instantly...he proceeds to dance a jig with his cat.
  • Ozan utters a holy prayer damaging the shadow in front of him quickly followed up by summoning a spiritual mace to swing through and completely dissipate the remnants of evil in front of him.
  • Felix' Demon, unable to evade the holy light of the moonbeam, as well as the flurry of blows being dealt by the paladin eventually succumbed to the might of the tried to re-enter Felix and use him as a hostage, however it was too weakened and was sucked back into the locket in Verce's possession.
  • As it was disappearing from sight it uttered: "Listen closely, fools, as I whisper secrets into your trembling ears. Each step you take, each decision you make, only plunges you deeper into the abyss. I delight in your desperation, relishing in the dance of despair that unfolds before me!"
  • Ozan finally did suffer the punishment of the creature's retreating psychic strike and suffered a searing pain in his mind before the demon finally dissolved into the locket.
Jump Scaring Kids
  • Felix regains consciousness and remembers the things while under the demon's possession...the murder of his parents...the attacks upon the orphanage, he has been tormented for a long time, but he knows nothing about any bones.
  • The party makes it back downstairs to look for Ms. Belasco and check on Milivoj.
  • They find them inside the main living area where everyone retreated to and locked themselves in.
  • After an initial loud entrance that startled everyone inside, eventually the party makes their way inside, gives Ms. Belasco the scoop and Rumex goes to check on Milivoj in his room where he is actually beginning to stir...
Milivoj's Tale
"I... I know what I did was wrong. I can't believe I stooped so low, but I had no other choice. You see, I was desperate to save those boys, those poor runaway children who had nowhere else to turn. And when Henrik, the coffin maker, approached me with an offer, it seemed like the only way to make things right.
I needed a way to pay the hunters, Szoldar and Yevgeni, to find those children and bring them back to safety. But I had nothing to offer them, no coin, no valuables. I'm struggling to survive in this cursed land, myself. The thought of those innocent children out there, exposed to the dangers that lurked in the mist... it haunted me day and night.
Henrik knew I would do anything to save those boys. And so, he made me an offer that I couldn't refuse. He wanted the bones of St. Andral, the sacred relics hidden beneath the altar. I'm not sure how he knew about them, Yeska swore that he only told me. In any case, in exchange for those bones, Henrik promised to provide me with the necessary funds to pay the hunters.
In my anguished state, I convinced myself that the bones held no real power, that they were just symbols of faith and belief. I didn't believe in the superstitions and miracles surrounding them. All I cared about was the safety of those children, their return to the orphanage where they would be cared for and protected.
So, with a heavy heart and trembling hands, I stole the bones. I crept into the church under the cover of darkness, my heart pounding in my chest. As I took the sacred relics, I felt a mixture of guilt and desperation. I knew I was betraying the trust of the people, the very faith that had sustained them in this wretched place.
But I couldn't let the children suffer. So, I handed the bones to Henrik, exchanging them for the funds needed to secure the services of the hunters.
Now, as I reflect upon my actions, I am consumed by regret. I have betrayed the trust of the people, the sacred sanctity of the church, and the memory of St. Andral himself. I pray for forgiveness now, for the strength to make amends and set things right. But deep down, I hold onto the belief that the children's safety outweighs any sacrilege I may have committed.
I know I may never be absolved of my sins in the eyes of the people, but I hope that one day, those children will find their way back to safety. And perhaps, just perhaps, there will be a chance for redemption, a chance to atone for the desperate actions of a fool in this forsaken land."

(2:30 PM)

Notes on the Coffin Maker  
  • After checking in and updating Father Lucian Petrovich at St. Andral's Church on the current safe status of the Orphanage, arrangements are made to have Freek and Myrtle reside there.
  • Ireena decides to return to the protection of the party for the time being.
  • Father Lucian Describes Henrik as an old man who does not have many friends, save for Konik at the Cart and Wheel, they are both woodworkers and sometimes converse, perhaps friends is too strong of a word.
  • He said there never has been any malice coming from the old man, perhaps morosity and depression lately, but certainly not evil.

(3:30 PM)

The Blue Water Inn
  • First impressions are everything and the Inn gives a pretty good one. This place is lively and homey, filled with the smells of homemade meals and cheery laughter. The Inn is clearly the hub of this city.
  • Multiple figures are clocked here and their identities are confirmed for Vincenzo by Danika Dorakova, the bartender, who seems to have a finger on the city's pulse.
  • The Wachter Brothers, Nikolai Jr. and Karl, are "Bros" that are never above raising a little bit of mischief, but they are mostly harmless, their mother is the head of a more prominent family in Vallaki.
  • Urwin Martikov, her husband, is a wonderful cook, who is in the kitchen at the moment, she has two young boys with him, Brom and Bray.
  • Wine is running out, same as in the Village of Barovia, shipments have stopped...however, Davian Martikov (Urwin's father) runs the place....unfortunately the two are a bit estranged having little contact lately. They are still concerned about the almost month-long delay in the last shipment.
  • She confirms the info on Henrik and gives you some tidbits on Vargas Vallakovich, the Burgomaster, his wife Lydia and their son, Victor...a teenage Emo-type kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth. She speaks politically enough that you get her gist but never implicates herself by speaking out of turn.
  • She gives Frank Reynolds some ale (crappy and watered down), to ensure the privacy of your conversation. She also hushes talk of the party's involvement with the Tser Pool encampment of Vistani (seeing as how Vistani are banned from the city).
  • She mentions that there is a half-elven carnival leader staying at the inn, named Rictavio, he brings an apple to his horse in the stables and a steak to his friend in the city each day. He's not here at the moment but usually returns each evening with stories to entertain the crowds, he's not much of a singer.
  • She also mentions the only other elves she has seen are the dusk elves living with the Vistani a couple miles outside of town to the SW, and the Reformers.
I Have an Offer You Should Not Refuse
  • Ernst Larnak makes an appearance and sidles up to Vincenzo for a conversation.
  • He extends an invitation from Lady Fiona Wachter, the following night, as she is interested in what has transpired since you all have arrived.
  • Ozan pops a Zone of Truth, forcing both Ernst and Vincenzo to dance around the truth a little bit as they verbally spar to try to feel each other out.
  • He speaks of the true strength of Vargas Vallakovich...his family has been running this town that bears his name for centuries, and his rule is ironclad due to the employment of MANY guards, captained by a fearsome individual with a large demonic looking arm that could conjure fire, Izek Strahzni.
  • Ernst also mentions that besides working some odd jobs for Lady Wachter, he knows of a place that could serve those with more diverse inclinations...wink wink.
Ernst's Story  
I stand before you as an emissary, with a message from Lady Fiona Wachter, a prominent figure in Vallaki. She has taken a keen interest in your valor and the indomitable spirit you have demonstrated thus far. Lady Wachter believes that you possess the skills and determination needed to make a difference in our troubled land.   Her insight and guidance could prove invaluable in our quest for justice and stability.   As far as your questions about the inherent denizens of this great esteemed city are warned, my friends, for Vallaki is a place where allegiances are as treacherous as the shadows that creep within its walls.   Lady Wachter has her share of detractors, and not all may view her intentions with the same trust and hope...however, it's essential to consider every avenue, for it is in the most unlikely of alliances that true solutions often lie.   I urge you to meet Lady Wachter, hear her words, and assess her sincerity for yourselves. Our town teeters on the precipice of chaos, and your actions can help shape its fate.

(4:30 PM)

  First Warm Bed while Rumex Explores
  • The adventurers, for the first time in Barovia, have secured what seems like a safe space to rest for the night as they procure lodgings from Danika.
  • Rumex took a tour around the perimeter of the inn and looked inside the stables. There was one draft horse stabled there.
  • Rumex also also noted a plethora of ravens up in the loft area and the preponderance of ravens flitting about around the roof as well.
  • 10 SP each for Vince and Verce in a private room with 2 beds as they attempt to decipher another chapter in the Tome of Strahd.
  • 5 SP each for Ilyson, Rumex, Ozan, and Ireena for the bunk room with 4 beds.
  • Soup and Bread included for all!

St. Andral's Orphanage

Felix' Demon

Taproom - Blue Water Inn


Loft - Blue Water Inn


Danika Dorakova

Urwin Martikov

Brom Martikov

Bray Martikov

Ernst Larnak

Karl Wachter

Nikolai Wachter, Jr.