Session 28.5

General Summary

The Carnival Man

25th of Sintyavr

(5:00 PM)

Study Hall
  • Vincenzo and Vercinissistrix are poring over the Tome of Strahd trying to make sense of the codified private language Strahd has created.
  • Despite their best efforts, the words elude their understanding, like whispers carried away by the wind.

(9:00 PM)

Rictavio, Purveyor of Wonders!
  • The loud noise and lively atmosphere of the main taproom in the Inn catch Vince’s attention.
  • Amidst the bustling sounds and a couple of appreciative calls from the crowd, Vince hears a tale being spun and quickly deduces it must be Rictavio.
  • The only other guest (mentioned by the woman tending bar, Danika Dorakova), a charismatic storyteller known for his captivating stories and enchanting performances.
  • This is the tale he told...The Story of Sir Klutz Tripalotsky

(9:15 PM)

A Private Invitation
  • Rictavio makes the rounds, accepts some accolades, and the glass of Purple Mash #3 that Danika poured for him on the house, as well as a wolf steak dinner Urwin brings out for him.
  • After about 10 minutes of jovially playing around with the Martikov children (Danika and Urwin's kids...I know Danika's last name is Dorakova, but naming conventions in Barovia are weird), Brom and Bray, he takes up a spot at the table on the southern side of the inn by a bay of windows as the crowd begins to dwindle and find their way home.
  • There are still a limited number of patrons around, however, Rictavio himself seems to finally be relatively alone.
  • Following is the conversation that ensued...
Verce: So, Ric, that’s quite the tale there. Where did you hear it?   Rictavio: Ah, new blood! Recently trapped I take it, poor both look quite capable...if not entirely fresh-faced (looking at Vincenzo)! The name's Rictavio of "Rictavio's Carnival of Wonders"...Pleasure to make your acquaintances!   Verce: The pleasure is all yours good sir! We’ve seen many a wondrous thing here, most not great. What wonders do you peddle?   Rictavio: (eyeing Verce for an extra heartbeat, not liking the insult, but not caring enough to mention it)...At the moment, merely my stories and some mundane parlor tricks. I've been here for a month and there just doesn't seem to be enough talent to supply my carnival, unfortunately.   Verce: Excuse me sir, but I did not appreciate your “fresh-faced” remark in regards to my afflicted friend here. I imagine it would be difficult to conduct a carnival devoid of one’s head. Ha! I kid I kid. (And slap him on the back. Smiling widely. My face tightens.) Or am I?   Rictavio: (Turning to Vincenzo) Quite the temper on your friend here, no? Or perhaps just slow to pick up on innuendo...Am I mistaken in my estimation of how weary you feel? This is all I was intimating, my apologies if I speak out of turn.   Verce: It’s all good, friend. What gave away my friends condition? The wan pallor? The flaccid limbs? The dead eyes? In all seriousness, we seek a cure for his condition. Surely there’s some snake oil to be had here.   Rictavio: Well, he does well to try to hide it, but yes, it's all these things. Unfortunately I am no seller of snake oils. I'm just an entertainer. Have you tried Avicenna's?   Verce: We were on our way there, but…things happened. And we were delayed. (Verce notices that Danika spoke the truth, the man's ears bely his race as "almost" elven. It's not as if he was really going out of his way to hide it, but there just aren't many non-humans around, so, why flaunt it?   Rictavio: Ah, you should really check her out… er… um, her shop, I mean! She truly does have quite a way with herbal remedies.   Verce: Yes indeed. We shall. Noticing his ears…how did you come to be here?   Rictavio: I come from a faraway land, as I'm sure you both do as well, and perhaps after a while I may share that particular story with you, if we still know each other...but not today. I'm already winded from regaling the exploits of Sir Klutz.   Verce: Understood. We’re weary as well. Ever fought a locket demon before?   Rictavio: A locket demon? Can't say that I have...But that does sound like quite the story!   Verce: Perhaps you can work it into your act. I’d be more than happy to share the tale sometime.   Rictavio: Verce, I assure you this is no mere act, I am, in fact, a storyteller of true tales!   Verce: Well, I don’t know if such a thing can exist, but I do not doubt your honesty and sincerity. Such passion in your storytelling. But let’s get down to brass tacks…a man like you. Knows things. Sees things. Perhaps you have other “tales”. Ones for a more discreet and discerning audience, perhaps?   Rictavio: My thanks. As for 'knowing' is true that perhaps I see more than the average Barovian, but that fact is not an intriguing one, no doubt you have had your fill of the 'soulless'?   Verce: Indeed. Would you believe me if I told you I had a vampire head in my pack?   Rictavio: Normally, I would say no to people who would say that to me…   Verce: And normally you’d be correct. But this is not a normal situation we have found ourselves in.   —Rictavio Warily peers around the room—   Verce: (aloud) I like you Ric. {telepathy} {The eyes are everywhere, aren’t they? Only you can hear me, don’t worry}   Rictavio: (aloud) Funny, I once met another man traveling about with a head in a sack...(quietly, under his breath) quite the trick, friend...but yes, one would be wise to not flaunt the fact you are indeed a hunter of the creature akin to the devil himself in these lands. (quietly) The only other hunter I know that escaped this place, and truth be told, escape may not be what he did, it's still a mystery, was the fabled Rudolph Van Richten, himself.   Verce: Ahh, I know that name…what can you tell me about him? I find the lore and legends here fascinating.   Rictavio: (medium voice) No doubt you have, his name is legendary, you could say he wrote the book on Monster Hunting. Many say it was personal to him, but I could never find out why...still, quite the story. Know what I heard? I heard it’s just a pen name. The real author is - a woman.   Verce: A woman! I didn’t know such monsters stalked the cabinets and cupboards of the kitchens of Barovia. Ha! But that is quite interesting if true.   Rictavio: Oh, I'm sure you've encountered the ferocity of a woman before...rival, if not surpassing a man's in sheer brutality!   Verce: I feel I should check on my friend. I’m worried he died during our chat. Vince?   Vince: yikes i went out for ice cream and missed a lot   Verce: Oh good. He’s still breathing. They have ice cream in Barovia!? Must be just a cup of melted cream. They can’t even get ice here.   Vince: (smiles at Ric) How long have you been stuck in this foul land?   Rictavio: (Aloud) It's been a number of months, just one here in Vallaki thus far...(quietly) Gentlemen, if you will, in ten minutes time I'm going to take my leave and retire to my room...count off 20 minutes and then meet me there. There is some information I feel behooved to share with you as newcomers. But not here in the taproom.   Vince: (gives a sly wink of acknowledgement) …oh, and let’s keep the bag-head under wraps, if you get my drift…   Rictavio: I extended that other head-hauling individual the same discretion...understood.   Vince: I'm curious if you have a first name for this person?   Rictavio: I believe it was Grigorivich (he says while excusing himself, returning your wink. He walks past the Martikovs, has a cordial looking, brief conversation and climbs the interior stairs to a western balcony with three doors. He walks to the furthest one at the end of the balcony, unlocks it and enters, closing it behind him.)   Vince: (calls the boys Brom and Bray over) Boys, what do you know about that man we were talking to?   Brom: There was this one he told of a town that was wiped off the map hundreds of years ago and now it's full of all sorts of creepy things, even witches!   Vince: Was it drowned? Like, buried under water?   Brom: He said it was the river that rose up and flooded rushed by so fast and crazy that nothing but the 'hollowed out skeletons' of the buildings were left.   Vince: Wow, that’s a scary story. I bet he has lots of scary stories. Does he have any friends that he hangs out with?   Brom: Drusilla, mostly.   Vince: Drusilla, you say. And who is that?   Brom: His horse.   Vince: Hahaha….of course. Listen, fellas, I can’t help but wonder what kind of mischief is afoot in your little town. Have you two heard anything about… you know… weird occurrences in the town?   Bray: He says he brings one of Daddy's steaks to his friend the toymaker each day, because he feels bad for him, but I don't know why he walks the other wa.....ouch!   Brom: Yeah, well, Blinsky doesn't really look all that hungry, so that seems weird I guess…   Danika: Boys, quit bothering our new guests and get ready for bed (She shoos them off upstairs)   —Urwin playfully rustles their hair as they rush by—   Urwin: I know the rooms you rented come with soup and bread, but seeing as you're new here, I'd like to extend our warmest hospitality! Steaks, gentlemen? I'm told I'm pretty good at this whole cooking thing… (He doesn't wait for a reply as he rushes back into the kitchen) Tell your friends they'll be done in about a half an hour!   Verce: What animal? If you don’t mind me asking.   Urwin: Wolf! (calling from the kitchen)   Vince: Well, Blinsky is still alive! I wonder what new toys he may have? Say, Danika, I’m not going to poke my horns in where they aren’t wanted, but I’m willing to bet you have an idea who is getting steaks from Ric?   Danika: I'm unsure, he says he brings it to Blinksy, he did give him his pet monkey a couple of weeks ago, so them being friends is likely true, but he does seem to take a slightly roundabout way to get to him, walking east instead of south...I think we may be reading too much into that though...Rictavio has never done anything to arouse suspicion, perhaps he's merely taking a constitutional   Verce: Perhaps…   Vince: Sure sure. I have a Blinsky doll by the by. He seems like a talented craftsman. And what did you say about a pet monkey?   Danika: Yes, he tries his best...and yes, Rictavio had a small monkey as a pet with him from the carnival, he gifted him to Blinsky.   Vince: Danika, I really should tell you that the steaks aren’t necessary. You can’t possibly have that much wolf meat just lying about.   Danika: Thank you for your concern, but once Urwin intends to do a kindness...well, you know. He truly is an inspiration to us, the boys simply love him, as do I. Who am I to deny such a good soul in such a horrid place.   Vince: Maybe he should be mayor! A good man is always in need.   Danika: Oh, people have asked him before, but he tells them, 'A man doesn't need a fancy house or title to be able to make life better, he just needs to DO things.’

Current Time 10:00 PM

Taproom Conversations



Danika Dorikova

Urwin Martikov

Brom Martikov

Bray Martikov

Report Date
03 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Helena's Side Quest

Right before Vincenzo gathered himself up to join Rictavio upstairs, Helena, whom he sent out earlier, has finally located Arasek's Stockyard and he can glimpse a brightly painted wagon within its large fenced-in confines.   Vince instructs Helena to approach the wagon but don’t go directly. Walk around and observe.     Parked at the south end of the stockyard is a sturdy carnival wagon, its colorful paint peeling off. Faded lettering on its sides spells out the words “Rictavio’s Carnival of Wonders.”     Vincenzo hears through her ears the approach of a familiar sound in this place, the marching of another guard patrol. Not wanting his obviously magical skeletal cat discovered to be wandering about, he directs Helena to hide in the shadows of the walls surrounding the stockyard until the coast is clear and then she makes her approach slinking through the gate with her small, bony, kitty body.   The rest of the stockyard is quite large, some empty stables, a few locked storage sheds and some tarp covered walled in storage areas.   Helena stops in her tracks at the sight of a large figure blending in with the shadows of the tarp covered wooden walls, forming a sort of ramshackle rain resistant outdoor room. The large figure seems to just have turned around from a crate and is about to walk out....right into Helena's space!   The figure stops and looks quickly towards the spot Helena vacated milliseconds prior, she deftly ducks under the extra fabric spilling on the ground, keeping her bones as silent as possible   This figure is large, he's wearing guards armor, heavy armor, fearful looking, with extra plating around his right arm giving him a slightly off center presentation...   He spends a few more heartbeats peering about before he begins to swiftly move through the South Gate of the stockyard.   When he has left Helena explores this ramshackle abode...Does it look like someone is living here? Are there signs of food scraps, etc.?   No, it appears to be solely storage. A number of crates stacked about haphazardly, currently padlocked shut. But Helena noticed he was pulling his hands back from the topmost crate when she spotted him.   It's sturdy in construction, iron hinges, solid planking, heavy padlock with the logo of The Cart and Wheel printed on it.