Session 29

General Summary

A Roundabout Visit to the Coffin Maker

Sintyavr 25th

(10:00 PM)

A Potential Ally in Rictavio
  • The party meets with Rictavio in his private room at the end of the eastern balcony.
  • Rictavio confides to the party that he is not actually a carnival master from another land, it is a cover he is using while he is gathering information on people in the town for an undisclosed employer.
  • As a token of solidarity he diagnoses Vince's insomnia as a Nightmare Haunting from a hag and provides a night's relief in the form of a Magic Circle scroll that should aid in warding them off temporarily.
  • He tells you he is collecting information concerning the Vallakoviches, the Wachters, the Martikovs, and even the Vistani housed outside the walls in an encampment to the southwest.
  • He says the Martikovs seem kind enough, but there is something secretive about them that he hasn't figured out yet
  • He says the Wachters are an old money family, Lady Fiona Wachter's husband, Nikolai, died of sick­ness nearly three years ago. She owns an old house in town but rarely leaves her estate. Her two adult sons, Nikolai Jr. and Karl, are local troublemakers. Lady Wachter also has a daughter, Stella, whom has not been seen lately.
  • The Vallakovich family is an old one and in general, from Burgomaster to Burgomaster, they believe that strict laws are required to keep Vallaki safe from the vampire on high. The level of severity of these rules has varied from ruler to ruler, but there are always some hardcore guidelines the inhabitants of Vallaki have to follow.
  • Lydia, Vargas' wife, is a Morning Lord fearing woman. She's gentle and reserved for all accounts.
  • Victor Vallakovich, Vargas' fifteen-year-old son, is a pretentious little ass with a lot of angst and issues.

(11:00 PM)

Take a Look, it's in a Book...
  • When the party returns to their own guest room and begin to settle for the night (including the use of the magic circle scroll), The Tome of Strahd flips open of its own accord. Spilling forth a viscous fog of purples and blacks, smelling of sulfuric brimstone it whisks the party to a foreboding location...
  • Click here for the full story of Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - The Rise of Ravenloft
  • The party awakens from this experience, thankfully experiencing the benefits of a long rest the next morning. Even Vincenzo enjoys a well deserved rest, finally making it through a night undisturbed by nightmare appears the magic circle scroll has helped.

Sintyavr 26th

(9:00 AM)

It's Business Time
  • After gathering themselves up and making a plan for the day, which includes another trip through the town center and a word with Henrik over at the coffin maker's shop, the party learns that Rictavio has left already with his usual apples and raw wolfsteak.
  • Business in the square is attended to, refer to the following section for details:
  • Both Ozan and Vincenzo also made a quick visit to Blinsky's shop to check on Rictavio's connection to him as well as to see if there was anything to the dolls they find with his label on them (refer to Session 30 for details)
Avicenna's Augury: A "Potion of Zing" has been provided for Vincenzo as well as helping to clarify the nature of these skull shaped bottles he picked up at Old Bonegrinder, Avicenna referred to them as "Hag's Bargains" and learned about them in her studies of druidcraft.   Yonavich & Sons: The books recovered from Strahd's study are sold for profit. History of Barovia is discussed more fully as well.
  • Ozan-115 gp
  • Vincenzo - 262 gp
  • Vercinissistrix - 142 gp
  • Ilyson - 184 gp
  • Rumex - 252 gp
The Hab & Dash: Rumors are gleaned from Fredrich von Zipher as he is schmoozed by Vincenzo and fine clothes are bought by all for Lady Wachter's dinner is the tea he spilled:
  • I am disappointed that Lady Wachter has not invited me to her book club. Lady Wachter’s book club members meet at strange hours, dressed up in robes and masks. It’s like a costume party!
  • Henrik seems a bit edgy lately. Saw him out late at night with a stranger. When I asked him about it, he denied it was him. But I know the scruff of every one of them in this town. It was him!
  • The strange guest at the Blue Water Inn stopped by here a short while ago. His name is Rictavio. He is a bard or entertainer of some sort. Had me make him the most colorful vest. Not my style, but I did make him look like a dandy ringmaster.
  • I very much like Anya. Just do not mention her sister, Vistani, or dusk elves, and you should be fine. Her sister was exiled from Vallaki. They don’t like their kind here.
  • Blue Water Inn has been late getting their wine shipments, and they distribute the fine wine from the Wizard of Wines. My clientele will not be happy and stop visiting me if the wine runs dry. The more the wine flows, the more excellent the parties!
Wayland's Hammer: Vercinissistrix picked up the 2 platinum rings he had commissioned for a total of 100gp

(3:45 PM)

Go Away!
  • This uninviting shop is two stories tall and has a sign shaped like a coffin above the front door. All of the window shutters are closed up tight, and a deathly silence surrounds the establishment.
  • The adventurers eventually forcefully gain entry after Henrik shouted for them to go away and to leave him alone, claiming the shop was closed. Henrik is incredibly reticent.
  • The workshop room they enter contains everything a carpenter needs to make coffins and furniture. Three sturdy worktables stretch the length of the west wall.
  • Henrik denies any knowledge of the bones at first. The phrase, "I don't know what you're talking about." comes up a lot. You can easily tell that Henrik is lying, but his answers remain steadfast.
  • Actively threatening Henrik, either with bodily harm or threatening to report the man to the authorities, Henrik relinquishes that the bones are upstairs, but he doesn't say exactly where.
  • Henrik confesses that a terrifying robed figure, female in form but hidden in shadows, approached him in the night some time ago and bade him procure the sacred bones of St. Andral. In fear for his life, this set into motion the grand scheme involving Milivoj, and the subsequent storage of the bones on the second floor of his shop for the past couple of weeks.
  • He says he is scared to even step foot on the second floor since that night and fears that Strahd will punish him far worse than any mortal man ever could for failing to keep the bones hidden.

(End of Session - 4:00 PM)



Some Vallakian Laws under Vargas Vallakovich

  • No one shall speak Strahd's name out loud or carry written documents with his name on them. Vargas heartily believes that to speak of the devil is to summon the devil. So all of Vallaki has a sort of Voldemort thing going on, referring to Strahd as simply, "The Devil" or "You-Know-Who."
  • Similarly, no one shall speak poorly of the Baron or the festivals nor hold any documents that present either in an ill light. Morale means everything here. Trying to break the spirits of your fellow Vallakians is criminal!
  • Everyone shall take part in preparing the festivals. The Vallakians treat this sort of like Jury Duty. Helping prepare for and clean up after a festival each week is a randomly chosen civic duty performed by the general public.
  • Everyone shall attend the festivals. Every festival, guards go door to door and patrol the streets to make sure no one is missing out. Of course, they can't actually check everywhere, so hiding isn't impossible. But getting caught avoiding a festival is grounds for a steep punishment.
  • Normal town laws still apply too. Stealing and assault and murder are punishable crimes. Doing any of these to a guard or the Baron's family automatically moves the punishment up a notch. For instance, murdering another civilian will likely get you lifetime incarceration. Murdering a guard, however, are grounds for execution.

Morgantha's Dream Pies

Report Date
14 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Henrik van der Voort