Session 30

General Summary

The Toymaker and Dark Portents

Sintyavr 26th

(between noon and 3 PM)   Swinging by the Burgomaster's Crib
  • Ozan and Vincenzo take a detour from the market in the town square and decide to check out the Burgomaster's mansion on the way to Blinsky's Toy Shop.
  • This mansion has walls of plastered stone that display many scars where the plaster has fallen away from age and neglect. Drapes cover every window, including a large, arched opening above the mansion’s double entrance doors.
  • Flashes of purplish traces of arcana could be seen for a brief instant in the upstairs third floor window.
  • A conversation is struck with the guards outside, it seems the preparations for the upcoming festival have the burgomaster too busy at the moment to meet with anyone, but he promises to speak with them soon, especially since the party is safeguarding Ireena.
Tarokka Meanings and Belittling Remarks
  • Upon leaving the guards to their business and heading north along the street to Blinsky's, Vincenzo begins to feel a bit light headed as his tattoo begins to burn uncomfortably...taking a knee out of the way between two buildings he momentarily blacks out...Well, to Ozan it seems but for a moment...
  • What Ozan doesn't see is an aspect of Hammer from Stoodio, Vince's abusive patron having a 'conversation' with him within his own mind.
  • See the sidebar for what happened...
The Toy Man
  • Recovering from this experience the pair make their way to Blinsky's
  • This cramped shop has a dark entrance portico, above which hangs a wooden sign shaped like a rocking horse, with a “B” engraved on both sides. Flanking the entrance are two arched, lead-framed windows. Through the dirty glass, you see jumbled displays of toys and hanging placards bearing the slogan “Is No Fun, Is No Blinsky!”
  • Vallaki’s toymaker, Gadof Blinsky, calls himself “a wizard of tiny wonders,” but he has been consumed by despair lately because no one seems to like him or want his toys. His fascination for eerie playthings causes most other locals to avoid him.
  • The burgomaster enables Blinsky to stay in business by giving him a couple of gold pieces a month to make festival decorations.
  • Blinsky is a heavyset man who wears a moth-eaten jester’s cap during store hours, more out of habit than to humor visitors.
  • In the past six months, the only paying customer who has set foot in the store is a visitor from a faraway land named Rictavio, who came in two weeks ago and bought a stuffed Vistana doll.
  • Realizing that the toymaker was lonely, Rictavio gave Blinsky his pet monkey, Piccolo. Overjoyed, Blinsky has begun training the monkey to fetch toys from hard-to-reach shelves. The toymaker has also fitted Piccolo with a custom-tailored ballerina tutu.
  • When he meets new customers, Blinsky recites a well-rehearsed greeting: “Wyelcome, friends, to the House of Blinsky, where hyappiness and smiles can be bought at bargain prices. Perhaps you know a leetle child in need of joy? A leetle toy for a girl or boy?”
  • Blinsky makes special dolls for the burgomaster’s enforcer, Izek Strazni. Izek doesn’t pay for the dolls but instead threatens to burn down Blinsky’s shop unless the toymaker delivers a new doll every month. Every doll is modeled on a description given to Blinsky by Izek, and each doll has been based on the same woman but with slight variations each time.
  • Blinsky considers himself a student of a great inventor and toymaker named Fritz von Weerg. Blinsky has heard rumors that von Weerg’s greatest invention—a clockwork man—lies somewhere in Castle Ravenloft. Blinsky asks if they would be so kind as to find the clockwork “myasterpiece” and “dyeliver” it to him, in exchange for which Blinsky offers to make them any toy they desire. Because “byusiness” has not been good, he says, he has no other reward to offer except, perhaps, his new monkey companion.
A Tale of Two Deities
  • After leaving Blinsky's Toyshop behind, the duo make their way to rejoin the rest of the group
  • Ozan spots a homeless man begging in the road...time stops.

This is a summary of what Ozan, the Lost experienced...

The beggar spoke:   "My faithful servant, it warms my heart to see you here, persevering through the trials and tribulations of this cursed land. I know this has not been easy for you, but your presence here is not without purpose. You possess the strength and conviction to bring light to this darkness."   "When the seer (Madam Eva) spoke of the shadow over this land growing as dark as a Devil's heart, she means to convey the extent of the evil that has consumed Barovia. But do not despair, you have been chosen to be the beacon of hope. You are destined to find a blessed artifact, a hidden relic that has endured the test of time. This vestige of divinity will assist you in dispelling the darkness that engulfs this land."   "The wedding bell or a death knell is symbolic of a pivotal event that awaits you. It is an invitation or a calling, leading you to a mountainside abbey in the village of Krezk. There, you will find a man who possesses a deeper significance than what meets the eye. He may hold knowledge or power vital to your quest, but be cautious, for the nature of Barovia can corrupt even the most virtuous souls."   "I bless you with my unwavering presence and protection, my devoted cleric. Remember, the path ahead may be treacherous, and the darkness will test your faith. But hold on to the compassion and resilience that I embody. Believe in your ability to accomplish your goals, for it is your hand that shall restore sunlight to Barovia's domain, provided you do not succumb to the darkness that seeks to consume you. May your journey be filled with strength and hope, my servant."

As Ozan gazes upon Ilmater, his heart pounding with anticipation, a sudden gust of wind whips through the air, swirling with an otherworldly force.

In the blink of an eye, Ilmater undergoes a mesmerizing transformation, as if reality itself is being twisted and contorted.   A flurry of obsidian feathers burst forth from Ilmater's form, filling the air with a chilling darkness. The feathers spin and dance, their inky shadows blending seamlessly until they take on the form of a figure. Before your bewildered eyes, the black hooded cloak envelops the newly formed shape, billowing and swaying like an ethereal specter.     The mysterious figure, now fully revealed, is a woman of enigmatic allure. She is adorned in a black cloak, its fabric seemingly woven from the essence of night itself. Her presence is both haunting and captivating, commanding attention with an air of otherworldly power. A porcelain mask, pure as freshly fallen snow, obscures her face, concealing her true identity. Intricate black etchings and symbols adorn the mask, telling tales of forgotten secrets and hidden truths.     In her hands, she cradles a young albino raven, its pale feathers glowing in stark contrast against the darkness surrounding them. The raven's eyes, as deep and bottomless as the night sky, lock onto the cleric's gaze, sending a shiver down his spine. Its beak, as black as midnight, holds an enigmatic wisdom beyond mortal understanding.     Silence hangs heavy in the air as the cloaked figure and you share an unspoken connection. Time seems to slow to a crawl as you exchange unyielding gazes. The weight of her presence presses upon your soul, as if her very essence is penetrating the core of your being.     Suddenly, the world around you begins to blur and fade, replaced by a dizzying whirlpool of indistinct shapes and colors. Your consciousness wavers and falters, overcome by a surge of overwhelming sensations. The last thing you see is the enigmatic figure's porcelain mask, a haunting visage etched into your memory, before darkness claims you. When you awaken, disoriented and gasping for breath, you find yourself back in the familiar realm of your current reality. No time has passed and you nearly trip over your own feet at the suddenness of your return to your walking body. The memory of the transformative encounter with the mysterious figure lingers, its profound impact anchored deeply into your mind.

Vincenzo's Vision

The condescending, impatient, and patronizing tone of Hammer's voice resonates as he addresses the warlock. Following are some excerpts of that very conversation...   "Oh, look at you, little tiefling, stumbling around in your own ignorance. It's a wonder you managed to find any power at all."   "Ah, figures…you've finally stumbled upon a hint worth considering and you pay it no mind for days. You might just suffocate that glimmer of potential in that feeble mind of yours if it weren’t for me. Listen closely, for I won't repeat myself. This Tarokka Card, the first one, from your dream, the Wizard…it speaks of an opportunity that awaits you—a chance to stoke the fire within and grasp a power befitting our ambitions."   "You lack the discipline to harness your powers properly. It's no wonder you're stuck here, floundering in the presence of true greatness."   (First Line of the wizard card - “A fire burns in your belly, and a star glows in your eye.”)   "That old bitch, Eva, the one who read your fortune, she was actually pretty accurate. The fiery blaze in your belly is the hunger for power that fuels your every move. You’ve nurtured it as you watched your father throw his life away. It is the driving force behind your pact with me, your fiendish patron. But it is the star that glows in your eye that reveals the path you must tread. That star is me. An abyssal light guiding you towards the source of true power."   "Draconic lineage? Ha! You think that measly spark of dragon blood means anything? It's as weak as your pathetic attempts at mastering your powers."   "Your father? He was nothing more than a pitiful pawn in the grand scheme of things. Your mother, though... she was the true source of potential wasted on a lowly creature like you."   "It's a shame your mother's brilliance couldn't save you from inheriting your father's inadequacies. Perhaps you'll prove me wrong, but I won't hold my breath."   "The mage's staff? It’s hidden away in the crypt of Khazan. It belonged to him. Bad news is it now lies beneath the Devil's keep—Castle Ravenloft itself. It is not merely a staff, but a weapon of extraordinary might, capable of shaping the very fabric of reality. You stand on the precipice of greatness, warlock, and this is your chance to seize it."   "You're so focused on your petty companionship with Ireena. Leave her behind, and maybe then you'll have a chance to amount to something."   "Khazan left his mark on this world with his name—a name that is the key to unlocking the power we seek. Find it, speak it, and claim your destiny. But heed my warning, foolish mortal, for Castle Ravenloft is a treacherous place, filled with horrors beyond your comprehension. You must navigate its treacherous halls, overcome its guardians, and prove yourself worthy of wielding such power."   "Strahd won't even spare you a glance. You're insignificant, a mere annoyance in his presence. Perhaps if you focused on your powers, you could become something more."   "I have done my part. Now, do not disappoint me. Go forth, delve into the depths of Ravenloft, find Khazan's crypt, and claim his staff. Your prestige and power await, but remember, failure is not an option. Bring me what I desire, or suffer as your father does."

Gadof Blinsky



Creepy Toys

Blinsky believes the burgomaster is right—that the only way to escape from Barovia is to make everyone in town “hyappy.” Blinsky would like to do his part by making sure that all the children in Barovia have fun toys. On display are a few of his creations:  
A headless doll that comes with a sack of attachable heads, including one with its eyes and mouth stitched shut.

A miniature gallows, complete with trapdoor and a weighted “hanged man”.

A set of wooden nesting dolls; the smaller each one gets, the older it gets, until the innermost doll is a mummified corpse.

A wood-and-string mobile of hanging bats with flapping wings.

A wind-up musical merry-go-round with figures of snarling wolves chasing children in place of prancing horses.

A ventriloquist’s dummy that looks like Strahd von Zarovich.

A doll that looks remarkably like Ireena Kolyana

Report Date
24 Jun 2023