Session 39

General Summary

Over The River and Through The Woods

Sintyavr 27th

(6:30 PM)

  The Lily Pads
  • Rumex investigates the stained patch of lily pads with the help of an enlarged Ilyson and finds a trio of ceramic pots sunk ten feet below the surface of the water.
  • The pots are each half-filled with rocks; two bear traces of dried yellow paint along their rims and interior, while the third bears traces of dried white paint along its rim and interior.
  • Having previously seen Rictavio’s wagon in Arasek Stockyard, Vincenzo recognizes the paint as the same shade as yellow as the sign on the wagon "Carnival of Wonders."
  Who Are You, Benjamin Moore?
  • Vercinissistrix looking down at the scene from the 4th floor also learns that the 'sploded wagon was not the only one that has parked here recently. A second set of wagon tracks lies nearby, from the eastern woods to a spot near where the original wagon was, then south along the path away from the lake. Following the tracks south finds that they reach the Old Svalich Road then turn east, toward Vallaki.
  • Verce ascertains that the second set of tracks was made about three or four days ago, about the same day the party first arrived in Vallaki.
  • Further following the second set of tracks into the woods, where they end in a dark, sheltered hollow. Much of the forest floor around the hollow is stained with bright yellow and white paint.
  • The paint was left fairly recently—approximately one day before the players first arrived in Vallaki.
  The Road Back
  • A deep voice calls out about 20 minutes into the party's journey back to Vallaki, "Who goes there?"
  • Through the chill mist you see a large man in drab clothing wearing a tattered gray cloak. He has shaggy, black hair and thick mutton chops. He leans heavily on a spear and has a small bundle of animal pelts slung over his shoulder.
  • Just behind him, barely visible in the gloom, stands a grim-faced woman, her long, dark hair loosely braided. She holds a spear of her own, the tip glinting in the scarce light, and wears a cloak wrapped tightly around her chest.
  • They introduce themselves as Zsolt and Mathilda, trappers from Krezk. Zsolt is warm and friendly, while Mathilda is sullen and quiet.
  • Zsolt warns the players that the road has become dangerous for travelers, and suggests traveling together. When the companions accepted his offer, Zsolt shares the following story along the road:
A light glints in Zsolt’s amber eyes. "There's been a tale echoing through these woods of late. A tale of a Vistana woman, a kind of phantom, who stalks the paths under the moon's gaze. They say she's not of this world, but from the realms of death itself.” He licks his lips. "She's said to be a frightful sight, with eyes that burn like embers in the darkness, and an iron leg that shrieks in the night. They say she's clad in a patchwork of cloaks, like a wandering vagabond, but don't let that fool you. For in her hand, she carries a wicked blade—a weapon that thirsts for the blood of innocents.” He chuckles lightly. "And oh, does her blade drink well! She's been butchering good folk in the woods, they say. Men, women—it matters not. Whip! goes her blade, and off come their heads, trophies for her dark desires.” He pauses, and his lips spread into a wolfish grin, "But I'm sure we'll have naught to worry about with fine, strong folks like you on the roads. And besides—how deadly can a tale truly be?"
  • When his story is complete, Zsolt playfully asks the players whether they have good steel to defend themselves, should the murderess find them upon the road.
  • The playful light fades from Zsolt’s eyes, replaced by a momentary glint of wariness. His grip tightens around his spear, and his gaze meets Mathilda's for a brief, near-imperceptible moment. A mocking smirk creeps onto Zsolt's face, and he says,
    "You seem to be mighty warriors indeed! But it seems you've forgotten something important." If the players ask what they've forgotten, Zsolt's eyes flash with hunger, and he hisses, "Silver."
  A Wolfpack of Two (Few)
  • In a supernatural flash of recognition, Rumex amde note of the sudden change in the newcomers attitude and wasted no time nocking three silver-tipped arrows and letting them fly simultaneously striking Mathilda in the back as she began her lunge towards Verce. Severely injuring her.
  • Verce finished the job with a blow using the flat of his blade, knocking her unconscious followed by a radiant slashing strike against her compatriot.
  • Fenrir harried Zsolt, ultimately doing no damage, due to the creatures supernatural powers, yet it was enough of a distraction to allow Ilyson to draw upon his burgeoning connection to the land and called forth a patch of entangling vines that entrapped Zsolt to the spot.
  • Vincenzo, looking at his newly acquired silver dagger, rushed up and slid the blade into the softest part of Mathilda's unprotected neck, ending her life.
  • Verce, seeing his potential interrogation subject dispatched, lost control of his focused vengeance momentarily, mounted Fenrir who was already carrying Yevgeni, and angrily charged right through the space occupied by Vince.
  • Vince held his ground, spun around and fired off two eldritch blasts towards Fenrir, striking him once.
  • With outstretched arms, he shouted towards Verce to back off in incredulity.
  • To Yevgeni's relief, there was a moment to dismount and seek cover before things may have gotten out of hand.
  • Rumex, meanwhile, mechanically pumped silver arrows into Zsolt, finishing off this gothic horror for good.
  To Catch a Spy
  • After the battle, the werewolves limp carcasses returned to human form, and Ilyson helped himself to one of their spears, to whose dimensions was of great interest to Rumex.
  • Verce, still incensed at Vincenzo's perceived betrayel of their Dragon Bros bond, Rode a bit of the ways ahead of the party back towards Vallaki which proved to be less perilous for the time being.
  • Until...Rumex noticed a familiar silhouette off to the north, seemingly watching them from a distance. The same demeanor of what was spotted at the beggining of the journey to Lake Baratok and Khazan's tower.
  • Blending in with his surroundings, Rumex made a mad dash towards the interloper while Ilyson and Vincenzo stayed behind, making a show of taking a quick rest.
  • Ultimately, the figure took notice of Rumex and led a short chase into the northen woods, before finally melting into the shadow and darkness...but not before Rumex was able to identify him.
  • It was Arrigal. The Vistana who is uncle to the missing Arabelle, brother to the anguished Luvash. Arrigal, the one who lured Vincenzo and Riak into the mists.
  • Reporrting this back to the group upon his return, Vincenzo reminded Rumex of this fact as the party caught up with Verce as the Sunset Gate of Vallaki loomed closer.

(9:00 PM)

Recombining the Multiverses
  • And now, dear players, we return to the current time and the Blue Water Inn.
  • Having made a beeline to the friendly confines of the Martikov's family business, in hopes of perhaps running into Rictavio and holding up his subterfuge to the light, have learned that he was recently here, having returned after the horrific events of what is now mockingly referred to as "St. Andral's Feast."
  • He told a tale to the numb and shaken patrons and left once more, Danika presumes his destination may have been to Arasek's Stockyard, where his wagon has reclaimed its previous residence.
  • The party decides to hold off the chase for the moment as they lick their wounds and re-sort their knowledge in the rooms upstairs.
  • While Vincenzo does some light reading....Chapter 4 - Tatyana

Related Reports

This is the story that Rictavio told...   The Mad Scientist

Khazan's Tower

Ceramic Paint Pots

Report Date
06 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


