Session 7

General Summary

A Descent into Madness


19th Day of Elient

  Beginning the Descent
  • Riak and Ilyson made a map
  • Return to first floor to smash the Animated Armor
  • Salvaged Chainmail from under its plates
  • Made way back up to the attic
  • Margaret’s body still dead
  • Spiral staircase small and web/dust choked
Basement like a Catacomb
  • Carved out of earth, clay, and rock. The tunnels are 4 feet wide by 7 feet high with timber braces at 5-foot intervals.
  • Rooms are 8 feet tall and supported by thick wooden posts with cross beams.
  • Choice of exploration directions
  • Can hear low chanting, cannot discern direction
Tomb Raiders
  • Found 6 tombs…all empty
  • One with no name, other’s listed all Durst family members
  • Centipedes boiled out of Mrs. Durst's tomb and attacked
  • Further West Ghouls pop out of the ground under Rumex
  • Attack immediately saying in guttural voice: "Beautifu. We're so beautiful"; "Nothing can hurt us"; "We are perfect. We are immortal"; and "Help us live forever."
Foreboding Statue
  • painted wooden statue carved in the likeness of Strahd, his hand resting on the head of a wolf.
  • Holds a smoky-gray crystal orb.
  • Shackled skeletons, scorch and soot marks on walls
  • Vince Mage Hands it over
  • Shadows flit past the walls
  • Puts it back, shares letters
You Can Take That Cookie and Stick it…
  • Further Northwest a Den and Bedroom
  • Find a hanging Mr. Durst with a suicide letter and some loot.
  • Mrs. Durst bursts out of the wall
  • Arrogant to an extreme, she shuns her dead husband, calling him a lecherous traitor who deserved his death. She speaks unkindly of Walter and the nursemaid, and writes off Rose and Thorn as “bothersome nuisances.”
I Hear Voices
  • Doubling back East, chanting grows louder
  • A staircase leads down to its source


  • Kev - Vincenzo Prizzi - CG Tiefling Fiend Warlock - Charlatan (lvl 2)
  • Mike - Riak Tao - CN Githyanki Artificer - Cartography Guild (lvl 2)
  • Joe - Verse - CN Dragonborn Paladin - Haunted One (lvl 2)
  • Milton - Ozan, the Lost- CG Shadar-Kai Twilight Cleric of Ilmater (lvl 2)
  • Jay - Ilyson Ott - N Human Fighter - Bounty Hunter (lvl 2)
  • DM - Rumex Kocho - LN Wood Elf Ranger - Haunted One (lvl 2)

Starting Notes

  • Rumex played by DungeonMaster.

In Game Outline

  • Start. Durst Manor, 3rd Floor Nursemaid’s Suite; early morning, 19th of Elient
  • End. Durst Manor, Basement lvl 1, early afternoon, 19th of Elient

NPCs present

Lancelot - Underfed dog


  • Animated Armor - Some sweet revenge
  • Swarm of Centipedes - Time to jump on the table
  • 4 Ghouls - First use of Turn Undead
  • Elisabeth Durst - A proper lady


  • Leather Armor, 3 darts (from Library)
  • Chainmail
  • Vince’s letters…now shared, sheepishly
  • Small wooden coffer with 4 red flasks containing a shimmery red liquid
  • A Chain Shirt
  • Mess Kit
  • A Flask of Alchemist’s Fire
  • A Bullseye Lantern
  • Thieves’ tools
  • Mr. Durst’s Suicide Note
  • 30 Torches, 15 Candles (in a small leather sack)
  • Several Old Robes
  • One neat, folded really good condition Cloak
  • Wizard’s Spellbook
Report Date
27 Aug 2022
Primary Location

Durst Manor


Strahd Statue


Durst Basement

Dining Hall


Elisabeth's Bedroom (in Catacombs)