Session 8

General Summary

Walter, the FLESH MOUND!!!


19th Day of Elient

  Down the Stairs
  • Rumex scouts ahead
  • He understands the chant now
  • “He is the Ancient, He is the Land”
  • Gives the all clear to the rest
  The Reliquary
  • Stairs lead to a strange room with 13 carved alcoves
  • Each with an odd artifact inside
  • Some rubbed off markings are noticed by Ozan
  • Two exits from room
  • One leads downward to the chanting and a closed portcullis
  • The other leads into a dark corridor
  The Prison
  • A series of cells looked over by Rumex and Verce, Skeletons manacled to the walls in each
  • One skeleton, wearing robes had a golden ring
  • A secret door is noticed!
  The Ritual Chamber
  • Everyone heads through the secret door
  • The chanting stops
  • A dais with an altar and chains hanging above is surrounded by 2 ft of murky water
  • A ledge surrounds the perimeter of the room
  • A black bundle on the altar is Mage Handed by Riak
  • It falls apart and a dagger falls to the floor
  Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt
  • Eight Shadow Cultists appear
  • “One Must Die!”
  • Rumex is cornered and attacks
  • He gets “Dementor-ed”
  • Kill the dog, Kill Verce? Nah, let’s fight…
  • They disappear and chant anew…
  • “Walter the Decayer, We awaken thee”
  • Various body parts coalesce with rank garbage to form THE FLESH MOUND
  • Baby Walter stuck inside
  • At the fight's conclusion, the foundations rumble overhead and the ceiling begins to crumble


  • Kev - Vincenzo Prizzi - CG Tiefling Fiend Warlock - Charlatan (lvl 2)
  • Mike - Riak Tao - CN Githyanki Artificer - Cartography Guild (lvl 2)
  • Joe - Verse - CN Dragonborn Paladin - Haunted One (lvl 2)
  • Milton - Ozan, the Lost- CG Shadar-Kai Twilight Cleric of Ilmater (lvl 2)
  • Jay - Ilyson Ott - N Human Fighter - Bounty Hunter (lvl 2 )
  • Ben - Rumex Kocho - LN Wood Elf Ranger - Haunted One (lvl 2)

In Game Outline

  • Start. Durst Manor, Basement lvl 1 (Catacombs), early afternoon, 19th of Elient
  • End. Durst Manor, Basement lvl 2 (Ritual Chamber), mid-afternoon, 19th of Elient

NPCs present

  • Lancelot - Underfed dog


  • Shadows - They’ve disappeared…but for how long?
  • Walter the Flesh Mound - That was both gross and disturbing


  • A bloodstained wooden sun
  • An aged Tarroka deck, in such foul condition some cards are unreadable, rendering the deck useless
  • A hag’s severed finger
  • A dagger carved from human bone
  • A broken silvered bolt
  • A jar of severed raven talons soaking in wine
  • A crown made of black vines
  • A desiccated frog lashed to a stick
  • A cracked egg containing the skeletal remains of a deformed, infant dragon
  • A large, pure white feather
  • A small wooden coffer containing a dire wolf’s withered tongue
  • A chunk of amber resin
  • A dagger with a bat’s skull set into the pommel
  • A golden ring
  • A ritual dagger from the altar
Report Date
17 Sep 2022
Primary Location
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