Session 9

General Summary

Escape From Death House!

19th Day of Elient

  A last visit from Rose and Thorn
  • Reappeared and hinted at what to do with Walter
  • House started rumbling
  • They disapparated
  • Party grabs Walter’s remains
  • The ceiling crumbles!
  • Ozan tries the wheel but it’s stuck
  • Riak gets it loose with some tool skills
  • Back up to the main basement floor
  • Less rumbling here
  The Flayed Man
  • A bound bleeding man on the table
  • Screams are drawing visitors
  • Verce silenced him…for good.
  • Fight with 3 Shadows
  Interment Intermission
  • A long conversation about exploration vs. escape
  • Some time passes as ALL the bodies are collected and brought to their tombs
  • Light for the innocent, Devilish Auras for the cursed
  Into the Spiderverse
  • Thousands of tiny spiders in the stairwell
  • Here comes mommy
  • Better cover the rear guard…literally
  Swinging Scythes
  • Margaret’s birthing of Walter scene
  • Forget the blades, Rumex busts through the wall…oh, rats
  • Balcony is a cliff!
  • Cold marriage in the master bedroom
  • Vince and Verce try different approaches
  • This balcony has a cliff too!
  Front Door Retreat and Leap of Faith
  • Front door bricked up and self-repairing!
  • Back to the balcony
  • Vince gets a message
  • We all fall down…some more gracefully than others
  • A basket in the road
  Long days and pleasant nights
  • After a hasty retreat down the road a bit the party settles in for a long rest


  • Kev - Vincenzo Prizzi - CG Tiefling Fiend Warlock - Charlatan (lvl 2)
  • Mike - Riak Tao - CN Githyanki Artificer - Cartography Guild (lvl 2)
  • Joe - Verse - CN Dragonborn Paladin - Haunted One (lvl 2)
  • Milton - Ozan, the Lost- CG Shadar-Kai Twilight Cleric of Ilmater (lvl 2)
  • Jay - Ilyson Ott - N Human Fighter - Bounty Hunter (lvl 2 )
  • Ben - Rumex Kocho - LN Wood Elf Ranger - Haunted One (lvl 2)

In Game Outline

  • Start. Durst Manor, Basement lvl 2 (Ritual Chamber), mid-afternoon, 19th of Elient
  • End. Svalich Road, mid-forest, campsite, early morning, 20th of Elient

NPCs present

  • Ghost Rose Durst - A 10 yr old Barovian girl
  • Ghost Thorn Durst - A 7 yr old Barovian boy
  • Lancelot - Underfed dog
  • Margaret - Ghostly nursemaid to the Dursts


  • Shadows - Dying shouts drew them back
  • Giant Spider - Where Ilyson became a ghost
  • Swarms of Rats - Bursting through the wall


  • A healthy sense of your own mortality

Durst Manor

Report Date
01 Oct 2022
Primary Location