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The Fall of the Hub

It is known that the Goddess blessed us, her people, with the mighty gift of Habi. She opened the hub of the Wheel and allowed the Power that resides beyond to flow through and spread its tendrils among us.

It is said that on this day, the Goddess was distracted because the Right-Hand God and the Left-God were fighting over which humans They should bless. If the Goddess can be distracted, this I do not know, but it is said.

It is known that on this day, a mighty star fell onto the great plain of Kisangi and with its fall, it created The Hole the the Hub Made and around that Hole grew The Holy Dam.

It is said that the star which fell was no star, but was indeed the Hub which fell, because the Goddess was distracted.

But this is only said.

Historical Basis

The Hole the the Hub Made is a perfectly round hole that is deep beyond measure in the center of the Holy Dam. The waters of the Dam is incredibly fertile. Who can say if what is said is also what is known?


The story is commonly told in the cities of Magadla, Fariweb, Port Lango and Uwak.

Variations & Mutation

It used to be said that the Goddess herself came through and the Dam was her footsteps. But this is regarded as mere wishful thinking.

Cultural Reception

The Order of Viero hate this legend and have suppressed it completely on the northern continent where the The Empire of Lumiaron is located.

In Literature

There is a genre of stories written for young men and women that involve the hero swimming to the bottom of the Hole by some miraculous means and battling some great monster there to save the world.

In Art

The Hole is often featured in the mystical and religious art, sometimes with the Goddess picture standing on the waters.

Date of First Recording
Unknown. The story has always been told.
Date of Setting
Many, many, many millennia ago


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